An Acute Attraction by A J Walters Review


3.5 Smooches

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Meet… …Working single mother Isabel Chambers. She’s not a size 12 or as you’ve probably guessed, a virgin either. …Marc Sanders an attractive, successful Harvard Professor of Medicine visiting Cambridge. He has a secret past that has been well hidden until now. An Acute Attraction is a heart warming, exciting and compelling story of love and romance, full of seductive, sensual and tantalising emotions and images, sexual exploration and passion. Isabel Chambers is an ordinary, working, single mother of two, who needs some “me” time, so, kids sorted, she books herself into a hotel for a week of rest and relaxation. Marc Sanders is an American professor at Harvard University and is in England to present research results to Cambridge University. Two people, out for adventure and excitement, meet and begin a journey of fun, thrills, lust and desire. But, is Marc all he seems to be? What is he hiding?



This book follows the story of Isabel and Marc. Isabel is a single mother who is having a week holiday on her own, she is spending her week in a hotel enjoying some alone time. Marc is staying at the hotel as part of a business trip, Marc comes from the US and is there to present to the local university.

Isabel and Marc meet at the hotel and they don’t seem to spend anytime separate after the first meeting apart from when Marc has to attend to business. Marc makes Isabel feel special and he starts to give her confidence back that she has lost in the past.

We get to meet a person from Marc’s past in the book, who seems to be out to cause trouble. The first meeting between the two women doesn’t seem to go well and we are left wondering what problems she is trying to cause between Marc and Isabel. We don’t have to wait long to find out what it is that she wants, as Marc soon opens up and tells Isabel what the issue that he has with his friend is.

The reason for not giving more than 3 and a half stars, is because I personally couldn’t really connect with the characters and I felt at times the book was rushed. This being said I am left wondering what will happen in the next book as the ending left you with questions.


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