Fracture by Callie Hart Review



Zeth Mayfair is pretty much the very last thing I need in my life. And yet with every breath I take he becomes more engrained in every aspect of it: 
He has a key to my house.
He knows where I work.
He dumped his strange, mentally traumatized housemate on my doorstep and has driven off into the sunset in search of my missing sister.
I want to forget him. Want to change the locks and blot out his face, scourge his very name from my memory. The problem is that I also need him. I need him more than I need air to breath, and I can’t be without him now.
He owns me.
He torments me.
He’s fractured me.


Book two in the Blood and Roses saga from Callie Hart starts out with a bang, literally, against a wall. Oh yes, it’s a very steamy scene we are privy to after the tease at the end of book one. Sloane does something that she shouldn’t though, something that is equally scary and thrilling; she kisses Zeth. On the mouth. Full blown, take your breath away kiss. Of course, as messed up as he is, he doesn’t take this well and leaves her for over two weeks. Two weeks of wondering if she will ever see him again. But of course she does. She needs something from him, in the most desperate of ways, and he actually needs her right back. She needs him to find her baby sister, Alexis. He needs her to watch Lacey while he takes care of business. Sloane sees the entire situation as emotional manipulation, which he essentially uses to get her to do whatever he wants. But the power he holds over her, the indistinct bond that has been forged between the two characters mystifies her. She can’t explain it, can’t even reason it in her own mind, but she is brought to her knees where Zeth is concerned.

fracture teaser

This series is a little edgy, a little bloody, ok a lot bloody, and a has a lot of heart. The characters are all so messed up and are dealing with so much in their own lives and minds, that reaching out to grasp ahold of something tangible, like each other, proves to be the only way they can live day to day. Zeth is slowly learning that he actually FEELS for Sloane. That she is his.

“Anyone would think you needed me,” he says in a low, silky tone. I have shivers again. All over my body. “I don’t!”

“Well I need you.”

Callie does an amazing job of piecing together a story that leaves you both guessing, and wanting more; a lot more. She gives just enough to let your imagination run wild. I loved this second installment and can’t wait for more. Zeth and Sloane are seriously messed up, and yet I want to see how their relationships plays out. Who is going to be the victor: the domineering man who takes what he wants, or the impatient doctor who is desperate for something real in her life. We shall see.

“She ran straight for me like I’m her goddamn savior. Like I’m capable of fixing everything. Like I’m capable of protecting her. Like I’m whole enough to help fill in the broken, fractured pieces of her, too.”


