Jack Hammer by Tabatha Vargo & Melissa Andrea Review


4.5 Smooches

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Blaine Wesley

I’m the Jack Hammer. Exotic dancer extraordinaire. The teaser and the pleaser—the paid for penis for play. I have to be all these things to survive. It’s who I became when I lost her. But now she’s back, and I can’t decide who I want to be more. The Jack Hammer or Blaine Wesley. All I know is she’s foreplay at its finest, and it’s my job to get them wet and ready.

Chelsey Ford

Liar. That’s what I called him when he walked out of my life. Losing your first love will turn you into someone bitter. Hateful. Angry. But now he’s back, and he’s determined to torture me. The only problem is, I’m enjoying his form of torture too much. And the hatred for him that holds me together is slowly starting to dissolve. 


 Dang, I get so excited now when I know that Tabatha Vargo and Melissa Andrea have a new book coming out and when I saw the cover of Jack Hammer I about lost my mind.  (That cover is hella hot) Then I read the synopsis and knew that I HAD to have it ASAP!  Then I read it and was like OMG, Tabatha and Melissa went all New Adult on me and I faaareakkkinnn loved it!  I am crazy about this story, the characters, the plot, and well everything!


And that is all it takes to get me hooked apparently because that was the first sentence of Jack Hammer and I was too excited to see where it went from there.

Jack Hammer is done in two parts.  The first part you meet Blaine and Chelsey in their senior year of high school with all of the adolescent drama that comes with two almost adults; one very rich girl whose only dream is attending Columbia and one bad boy charmer from the wrong side of the tracks.

“I wanted to run after her, but I knew chasing after her was like chasing after the sun.  She was impossible to catch and when I got too close, she burned me.”

They fall in love, in hate, in love, and then in hate again.  Flash forward to a year later and you have the second half of the book.  Chelsey has just started Columbia and imagine who she runs into at the local male strip club.

“Well, if it isn’t Miss Ivy League,”

Jack Hammer.  Whew and it gets really good and hot after that.  Goodness, Blaine is so mean and sexy and I do love me an asshole book boyfriend like crazy!  Things have changed a lot in the last year for these two young people.  THE ANGST!  It is so good in this book and there is tons and tons of it.  Top it off with some good old dirty stipper sex, and I was in heaven!

There was only one thing about this book that I didn’t absolutely love and that was the ending.  It felt rushed to me but it could be that I just loved Chelsey and Blaine so much that I didn’t want for their story to be over.  I really did love this book.  This is probably my favorite story that I have read by these two authors yet.  It was sweet and sexy and angsty with a hot stripper.  Hello, it doesn’t get any better.  I do love how Tabatha and Melissa continue to surprise me with every book they put out together.  They are all so different and I find myself always happily astounded with every book!
