Step-Lover by Bella Jewel Review


5 Smooches!

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You’ll only ever have one forbidden love. 

Care to know why?

Because when you find it, forbidden love that is, you’ll forget everything else. You’ll forget your first kiss. You’ll forget the first boy who made you smile. You’ll forget all the bad, and remember all the good. You’ll forget that it’s wrong. You’ll forget that it hurts. You’ll forget everything that came before him. 

Forbidden love, it has a way of changing you. The secrets. The lies. The guilt. You want something so much you no longer care about the world around you. The passion takes away the pain. I’ve felt it. I’ve lived it. I didn’t need it, but it chose me. 

I met him before I knew. I loved him before I knew. 

I didn’t know that he was my stepbrother. I knew I had stepbrothers, but I didn’t know he was one of them. Now I know, I have to walk away. My mom, she deserves this happiness so much more than I do. If she ever knew…it would destroy her. 

You have to understand why.

I saw my father die right in front of my tiny, eight year old eyes. He took my sister with him. All that’s left is my mother and I. She’s found her happy place, the only place she’s had since our worlds were destroyed. 

So you see, I can’t have him. 

I can’t want him. 

But there’s this problem with passion, and love, and destiny. 

It doesn’t give you a damned choice.


I could not get enough of Step-Lover! I fed my husband some line about not being able to sleep and had to pull my kindle out to read. While he snored, I fell in love with Blade and Aria!
Gripping from the very beginning, I had to know how Aria would persevere after such a horrific tragedy. At eight years old she lost 2 important people in her life. Eleven years later she continues with these burden and has nightmares of that night’s event. When her mother finds love again with Jack, Aria gains 3 new stepbrothers. In an attempt to fuse a family bond, her mother and Jack decide that a month at the lake house would be a great idea. But what is a great idea makes for an interesting vacation for Aria and her best friend Melanie.
From the title of the book, the reader knows that the female lead will fall in love with her step brother. But it was unlike any stepbrother book I’ve read, in a good way. Blade, gah he drew some emotions out of me! He made me want to slap him around a few time but then made me love him and want to be enveloped in his arms. He’s very protective and knows his way around a woman, that’s for sure. Steamy scenes between Blade and Aria will definitely leave your blushing while reading. A gorgeous cover for a beautiful book! I definitely recommend this book to all my book besties! 5 smooches for Step-Lover by Bella Jewel!