Stupid Hearts by Kristen Hope Mazzola Review

Stupid Hearts Cover1

4.5 Smooches

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I should have freaking known.
How dense can one girl be?
If it’s too good to be true, then it is.
If he’s too nice, smiles too perfectly, says all the right things, then he probably isn’t prince charming. Nope. Of course he’d be freaking married. And I didn’t see it.
So here I am, in a city that I hate doing a shoot I don’t want to do.
Suck it up, Jolene.
That’s what I have to keep telling myself.
It’s time to swear of smooth talking men and just focus on the only true loves in my life: photography and Dozer, my dog.


“His kiss was enchanting and he fucked like a sex god on steroids.”

OMG this was a fun, fast , supremely sexy novella that I can definitely recommend. Joey is a photographer in New York who finds out that her super sexy constant hook-up is actually a married man using her for booty calls while in town. After finding this out she swears off men and of course that cannot last. Enter Finn, super sexy Irishman transplant who happens to be a cover model for the book cover she is shooting.

“Have dinner with me tonight?”  “Sorry, you’re a client now. I don’t mix business and pleasure.”

Finn and Joey have amazing chemistry right off the bat and waste no time in debating if that is a good thing or not. While not in a place for a relationship she can’t seem to say no to how she feels about Finn and BAM extreme sexy time! I was shocked and excited with the quickness and provocativeness of this short read. I found Joey’s personal proclivities exciting and fun.

“How could I not give into him? Fuck. My. Life He was just too beautiful.”

Stupid Hearts is a must read if you enjoy erotic reads  than this one is for you. Well written and humorous with characters I loved this story hit the spot on a night when I was in a bit of a funk. I read this entire story in one sitting and afterwards was left hoping that Kristen will write more erotic books in the future!
