Thoughtful by S.C. Stephens Review


5 Smooches!

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A new novel in the Thoughtless series from #1 New York Times bestselling author S. C. Stephens! 

Every story has two sides, and in this new book, the epic love story between Kiera and Kellan is shown through his eyes. 

All Kellan Kyle needs is his guitar, and some clean sheets of paper. Growing up in a house that was far from a home, he learned a hard lesson: You’re worthless. Now his life is comfortably filled with passionate music, loyal band mates, and fast women…until he meets her. 

Kiera makes him ache for more. Makes him feel for the first time that he’s worth more. But there’s one problem – she’s his best friend’s girl. 

Just when Kellan thought his emotional defenses were rock solid, Kiera’s indecisive heart wreaks havoc on his soul, changing him forever. Losing Kiera is not an option.


OK, first things, first!  Let’s talk about that amazing damn cover.  God, I love it.  It is gorgeous and so freaking Kellan Kyle!  The cover of this book made me so excited for Kellan.  Lucky for me it had been quite a while since I have read the Thoughtless Series, because I saw a ton of reviews about how basically it is the very same book as Thoughtless from Kellan’s point of view.  So, for me, it had been so long that I didn’t feel like I was rereading a book.  Besides, I actually felt like there was more to this book than just a retelling of Thoughtless.  I found out where Kellan went when he took off.  What he got up to.  How his date night with Anna went down.  Stuff that I wondered about when reading Thoughtless.

On top of all that goodness you get the actual story of how Kellan and Denny met.  And let me tell you, nothing prepared me for how absolutely devastated I was that I knew what was coming because Denny is really good and decent and God knows he didn’t deserve what happened after how he helped Kellan, but the heart wants what the heart wants.

I’d do anything for this guy.  Give my life for him if necessary.

And Kellan.  God, I never really could have guessed how insecure he was.  How undeserving he felt of everyone’s love. He broke my heart so much.

Because you love her, and you’re not god enough for her.  She’ll never love you, and you know it. You’ve been unlovable from the start. 

Learning more about Kellan and Denny didn’t really help Kiera’s cause at all.  After I read Thoughtless I was one of the few that didn’t absolutely hate her.  She was just meh for me but after Thoughtful, I can officially say I despise this girl.  Lord, she pissed me off how she continued over and over again to break Kellan apart.  As my love for Kellan grew, my hate for Kiera became insurmountable.

Why can’t you love me like I love you?  Why can’t anyone?  How awful am I?

This read was really emotional, sexy, and I absolutely loved reading it.  After all, Kellan Kyle is one of my very favorite fictional characters and I do love me some S.C. Stephen’s writing.  It was really awesome being in Kellan’s head and I definitely recommend that anyone who has read the Thoughtless Series pick this one up and have some tissues handy!
