20 Fun Facts about Carlie Sexton!

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Nancy Screw here bringing you all the news on the books and authors we love! Today we have 20 fun facts about Carlie Sexton, author of our featured book Beholden to You!

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20 Fun Facts About Carlie Sexton!

  1. I was born in Louisiana. Still consider myself a Southern Belle, even though I have lived in California longer.
  2. I never eat lima beans because they remind me of stink bugs.
  3. In high school, my favorite sport in P.E. was archery.
  4. My toes are always painted.
  5. I lived in Hawaii from 5-9 years old. Learned to hula then.
  6. I’m technically challenged and didn’t send my first text until August~2013.
  7. I met my hubby at a church singles group.
  8. When writing the Killer Next Door series, I watched all of the Dexter episodes in about a month!
  9. My favorite color is purple, but I only have 2 purple items in my closet.
  10. I have 2 dogs. One whines and one groans to get my attention.
  11. My hubby is complicated and I modeled Neil after his assertive side and Mac after his perceptive, nurturing side.
  12. My favorite super hero is Wonder Woman.
  13. I’m addicted to mint chocolate chip ice cream.
  14. I became a teacher at 35.
  15. My hair is naturally curly, but I straighten it.
  16. My favorite wine is Moscato.
  17. I never played Scrabble until I was in my 30’s.
  18. In college I drove a Camaro.
  19. I love decorating and my home has an Italian flare to it.
  20. I eat an apple and a pear every day.