Amber To Ashes by Gail McHugh Review


4 Smooches

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They were a storm I never saw coming, an unforeseen heartbreak on the edge of a dangerous cliff.
In AMBER TO ASHES (Atria Paperback; June 9th, 2015), Amber Moretti’s life changes in the span of minutes. An orphaned outsider, she is desperate to start fresh the moment she walks onto campus. In the time it takes to cross the university’s dining hall, she meets two men who bring color, air, and light to her darkened world.
They became my addiction, each a needle to my next hit, my high.
Brock Cunningham’s appeal is dizzying, a potent force Amber can’t deny. A green-eyed smooth talker, he instantly attracts Amber. It doesn’t take long for him to consume her every thought, her every breath.
Ryder Ashcroft, a blue-eyed, tattooed, and pierced bad boy, turns Amber off immediately—that is, until he kisses her, stealing a piece of her heart, her soul.
They were as opposite as fire and ice, yet I ached for them equally.
Never knowing she could be broken down in so many unexpectedly beautiful yet petrifying ways, Amber finds herself falling for both men.
Immoral? Maybe. I say undeniable. Uncontained.
But one devastating event changes everything, shattering each of their lives…and Amber isn’t sure she can recover from it.


“I fell for the two loves of my life when I was nineteen.”

Confession time . . . I am a Gail McHugh virgin. I do believe I am one of the very few people who have not read Collide or Pulse yet (although not for long as they have jumped up my TBR now.) When the invite to read an early copy of her newest book, Amber To Ashes,  appeared in my inbox I jumped at the chance to experience an author that I had heard such amazing things about. Based off the synopsis alone I knew going in that Amber to Ashes was not going to be a light easy read but I honestly do not think anyone could have prepared me for the stormy, frenzied, and uncontrollable mass of emotions and drama.

“I’m gonna kiss you, Ber. And it’s gonna be a kiss you won’t soon forget. It’s gonna be a kiss I want burned into your fucking memory whether or not we get together. One that’ll make you hate every other kiss from anyone else after me. You’ll have no other choice but to think of this kiss when another dude gets his lucky chance. Cool?”

Brock, Ryder and Amber find themselves in the situation where they have perfected being cool on the outside while a storm of emotions brew on the inside. Each of these troubled bad boy best friends is entranced with the beautiful Amber Moretti and once the they meet her not only their friendship is put to an ultimate test. Leading double lives while still being young and irrational is the perfect equation for everything to go perfectly wrong. Decisions are made and actions that can never be taken back are put into motion and one thing is for sure. Nothing will ever be the same.

“She doesn’t know it, but she owns me, and I don’t even exist in her world.”

The book nerd in me wants to desperately go over the many insanely details and crazy twist and turns this story took. I want to break down every frantic change of pace and debatable decision they make. But the intelligent person I am knows that by doing that I would be doing you the reader a great disservice, To spoil even one aspect of this book would change the way you read it and what you take from it. Just know that every word written is like a firework of feelings and every action has a consequence. I am positive that when all is said and done and the conclusion to this dynamic story comes out, nobody’s choices will go without some form of repercussion.

“I’m gonnna fuck you. I’m gonna fuck you in ways you’ve never been fucked. Ever. I know you think you’ve been taken care of, but you haven’t. Not the way I’m about to.”

Amber to Ashes unfolds like a symphony of emotions, starting out slow and paced building relationships, drama, making you feel both love and anger for these three broken souls. You don’t even realize the build is coming until you are suddenly in a frenzied state and your heart is racing and nothing you can do will slow it down. While New Adult in genre seeing as how these three are young and in college this book is nothing like the young and in love books we are used to. Dark and chocked full of questionable morals at times you will find Amber, Brock and Ryder hard to love but impossible to forget.






All a lethal but beautiful cocktail that’s about to combust, exploding each of us into a state of numbness, a state of healing through what me need. Each other . . . “

Gail’s writing is not just poetic, it is intoxicating. Even at times where I personally believe the plot to be somewhat over the top and had me thinking that I would have loved it slightly more if it was toned down just a tad, I could not deny that every word that Gail dripped onto the page invoked emotion and caused a reaction. She is a master at weaving a tale and still after I have finished this book I am no closer to figuring out where their tale will end and I am not even sure that I know how I want it to end. I desperately want to know when the second part of this story will be coming out because I guarantee that the aftermath is going to be even more intense and deliriously addicting.


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