Coastal Elite by Kate Canterbary Review


5 Smooches

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Jordan Kaisall has problems.
Business problems, political problems, cheating ex-girlfriend problems. He knows that a week away from the Washington D.C. Beltway won’t do a damn bit of good for those problems, but his beach house in Montauk is exactly where he needs to be right now.

April Veach has plans.
Work plans, travel plans, try-everything-once plans. Montauk is keeping her plenty busy this summer between decorating wedding cakes and teaching yoga, and busy is good. But busy is also a lonely bed, and that wasn’t part of her grand plan.

After a weekend together, his problems and her plans take them in an unexpected direction.


OMG! OMG! Kate Canterbary can write her ASS off! Every single book I read by her just proves that she is unlike any other! Her stories are unapologetically smart, sexy and witty. Her men are alpha and her females are always strong women.

“That you’re able to carry on a conversation with me right now indicates that my clit licking game needs work.”

Coastal Elite was just everything I had hoped it would be. Jordan is a too sexy for his own good former Navy Seal who currently runs a security company with his best friend, Will. April is a free spirit who stumbles upon an injured Jordan on the beach and an unforgettable weekend follows. They had chemistry and heat in spades and the underlining action packed storyline kept everything interesting and fast paced.

“if you get into that bed and open yourself to me, I’m never letting you go. I might leave, April, but I’m never leaving you.”

Kate Canterbary  just cannot disappoint and I really hope she puts out more of these Walsh Family Stories!
