Rebel Ink by Laura Wright Review


4 Smooches

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Hot chicks and cool ink have been my life, my everything, for the past five years. But with one phone call that bliss is totally shot to shit. Don’t want to hear it. Don’t want to deal with it. But oh yeah, it’s coming for me. The motherfucking past. And who’s along for the ride? You’re never gonna believe it. That’s right, another blast from my past. The one and only rejection. Blondie. Hey…maybe it’s not all bad. Maybe I can finally get her – legs up and back to the mattress, that is.


Yes, I’m getting married. And yes, it’s to ‘Buttons.’ I’m not embarrassed and I don’t think it’s a failure. Unfortunately, my bestie doesn’t agree. In fact, she thinks she has to rescue me. But ladies and gents, I’m beyond help. I’m cooked. I just want to fade into the Santa Barbara’s overly polished woodwork. If only a gorgeous tatted, foul-mouthed problem from my past would stop showing up and showing off what I’m never going to allow myself to have.

Length: 30,000 words
Note: This is a New Adult book


“He’s such a prick. A total dick. A bastard. And yet . . .”

I have been a fan of this series since I picked up First Ink free on amazon and got lost in the story. After reading and loving Rush and Addison’s story I was extremely eager to see where fellow tattoo artist and somewhat slimy man whore Vincent and very blue blooded Lisa would take me and where I landed was a journey I was not expecting.

“You’re hurting, like, hardcore. And instead of dealing with it, talking about it, letting it out, you ask me to sit on your face.”

The story is told from multiple point of views and while I loved both hearing Vincent and Lisa’s takes on their tale I was thrown off a bit by the few chapters told from the POV’s of Vincent’s conquest. The book opens with one of the POV’s and since I was not paying close enough attention for half the story I thought that it was Lisa’s side and that changes a lot of how I view her. But rest assured that there are only a couple of these point of views and overall they fo not take away from the book itself.

“Leave it to me to fall for a chick who’s taken.”

Being such a fast and sexy read I was not expecting the depth to which this story went. Full of light hearted quips what is mostly a fun read also dealt with some tough topics and handled them with a dash of drama and angst. For all that Vincent went through I along with Lisa was powerless not to fall in love with him and this story. Once again Laura Wright had me devouring her book and eager for more.


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