RELEASE BLITZ WITH EXCERPT: Forgotten Desires by Corinne Michaels

FORGOTTEN DESIRES, a billionaire single dad, second-chance, marriage of convenience small-town romance from New York Times Bestselling Author, Corinne Michaels, is available now!

Scroll down for an excerpt!



He’s a billionaire in need of a wife.

And I’m his ex who can’t say no to him…



He’s a billionaire in need of a wife …

And I’m his ex who can’t say no to him.

Ten years ago Carson Knight was my one great love, but he abandoned me without a trace.

Now he’s a billionaire single-dad in need of a temporary wife.

And he’s at my house on one knee with a proposal …

Marry him, so he’s more likely to win full custody of his daughter, keeping her safe from her unstable mother. In return, he’ll take care of the medical expenses for a surgery my father needs to survive.

Reluctantly, I agree to tie the knot, on one condition. Once those custody papers are signed, we go our separate ways. Because he’s even more gorgeous, charming, and sweeter than he was back then, and I don’t trust myself not to fall for my fake husband.

Especially when I hear him say “my wife.”

Or feel his hands on my skin. Taste his kiss or see the way he looks at me with those blue eyes and know that our carefully crafted rules will shatter.

Right alongside my heart.




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Narrated by Teddy Hamilton & Stella Hunter


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“A masterful blend of angsty emotion, passion and the tender, romantic rekindling of  first love.” ~Danielle, Red Cheeks Reads


Check out Danielle’s 5 SMOOCHES review!





I’m going to get my daily steps in just from all the pacing I’ve done the last hour.

I went out to the sanctuary, fed the animals, spent time with the chickens, and then came in to prep, as Phoebe called it. I washed, scrubbed, buffed, shaved, and cleaned every orifice of my body. Not that I have any plans for Crew to see any part of my body, but . . . a girl has to be ready for anything.

Not only that, but I needed to do something to take up my time because otherwise, I’ll sit here coming up with a million scenarios about why he had to come see me.



And with a problem.

I look at my phone, anxious because he should be pulling in at any minute. Instead of meeting at the diner, it’s so much easier to just come here. So, Grady is driving him to the house.

So freaking awkward.

Headlights shine down the drive to where my cottage is, and I look in the mirror for the five hundredth time.

“You are a confident, smart, and amazing woman. Don’t be a bumbling fool.”

My reflection doesn’t exactly show that same level of confidence, but the knock on the door says it’s time to fake it.

I walk out to the living room and open the door. Crew is there, in a three-piece suit, looking so damn hot I might be burned just from being close to him.

His dark brown hair is pushed back and to the side. The dimple on his left cheek looks deeper than yesterday, but there’s a worry in his crystal blue eyes that has me concerned.

“Hey,” I say softly.

“Hey. Sorry to drop in like this.”

I shake my head. “No worries. Come in.”

He turns back to my brother. “Thanks for the ride. I’ll have Cliff meet me out here to drive back. I know you have the kids and it might be late.”

Grady looks like he’s ready to crawl out of his skin. Crew is both his boss and he delivered him to his little sister. I grin, loving this moment. “Bye, Grady!”

I pull Crew in and close the door. I laugh a little and Crew stares at me with a smile. “Enjoying yourself?”

“That moment was priceless. He wanted to rip your head off, but couldn’t. Oh, if only I had recorded it.”

Crew chuckles. “As an older brother, I can imagine exactly how that must’ve felt.”

I shrug. “Serves him right.”

Crew looks around my cottage, shaking his head. “You know, this place is a hundred percent you.”

“How so?” I ask, not sure if that’s a compliment or not.

“It’s just warm, comforting, filled with everything you’d want a home to be. The couch looks inviting and well loved. Everything is in great condition and it’s a place you want to be in.”

Definitely a compliment. “I’m sure yours is a dream.”

“Mine is a museum. I hate the couch, it’s fucking hard as a rock, but the designer was adamant it was the best piece for the space. Everything is spotless. You’d never know a human lives there.”

“Still, I’m sure it’s stunning.”

Crew walks over to my sofa and sits, melting into the broken-in furniture. “No, this is stunning and a dream, Brynn. This is a home.”

I move over, taking the seat next to him. “Why did you fly out here?” I ask, not really able to hold back.

His beautiful Nordic eyes meet mine. “Marry me.”




About Corinne Michaels:

Corinne Michaels is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of romance novels. Her stories are chock full of emotion, humor, and unrelenting love, and she enjoys putting her characters through intense heartbreak before finding a way to heal them through their struggles.

Corinne is a former Navy wife and happily married to the man of her dreams. She began her writing career after spending months away from her husband while he was deployed–reading and writing were her escapes from the loneliness. Corinne now lives in Virginia with her husband and is the emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun-loving mom of two beautiful children.

Connect with Corinne:

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REVIEW: Forgotten Desires by Corinne Michaels




* * * * * * * * * *


He’s a billionaire in need of a wife …

And I’m his ex who can’t say no to him.

Ten years ago Carson Knight was my one great love, but he abandoned me without a trace.

Now he’s a billionaire single-dad in need of a temporary wife.

And he’s at my house on one knee with a proposal …

Marry him, so he’s more likely to win full custody of his daughter, keeping her safe from her unstable mother. In return, he’ll take care of the medical expenses for a surgery my father needs to survive.

Reluctantly, I agree to tie the knot, on one condition. Once those custody papers are signed, we go our separate ways. Because he’s even more gorgeous, charming, and sweeter than he was back then, and I don’t trust myself not to fall for my fake husband.

Especially when I hear him say “my wife.”

Or feel his hands on my skin. Taste his kiss or see the way he looks at me with those blue eyes and know that our carefully crafted rules will shatter.

Right alongside my heart.


* * * * * * * * * *


Corinne Michaels caps off the Whitlock Family series with a beautifully crafted second-chance-at-first-love romance in Forgotten Desires. Corinne’s storytelling skills shine through in this intricate tale of love and redemption between the selfless, kindhearted heroine, Brynn, and her ex-boyfriend, billionaire single father, Crew. There’s always a bit of angst to Michaels’ storytelling, and there was definitely some here, but the engaging narrative is punctuated with wit, charm and sizzling chemistry as this couple fights for each other and for custody of Crew’s sweet daughter.

Forgotten Desires was a heart-melting romance with a marriage of convenience twist. Crew is a totally swoon-worthy hero who’s been head-over-heels for her from the start and pulls out all the stops in his pursuit of her this time around. While Brynn was absolutely willing to jump in to help Crew get custody of his daughter, she was a bit more cautious with her heart.

I practically inhaled this book in a single sitting, tapping my Kindle furiously because I could not get through it fast enough. A masterful blend of angsty emotion, passion and the tender, romantic rekindling of  first love. Forgotten Desires was a heart-warming, steamy and satisfying conclusion to a beloved series. Five smooches from me for Forgotten Desires by Corinne Michaels!

~Danielle Palumbo



Kindle  |  Paperback  |  Signed Paperback  |  Audible


RELEASE BLITZ: Crossroads by Devney Perry

CROSSROADS, an all-new enemies-to-lovers, second-chance-at-first-love, small-town cowboy romance from USA Today Bestselling Author, Devney Perry, is available now!

Scroll down for an excerpt!



This situation is only temporary. We’re at a crossroads…



I met West Haven when I was eight years old. He taught me to play poker when I was nine, and we made paper airplanes together when I was eleven. He kissed me when I was sixteen. He was the best part about my family’s summer vacations to Montana. He was the boy who stole my heart. I was twenty-three when life ripped us apart.

Years later, I’m breaking my vow and returning to the ranch, not as a guest but its new owner. West might want me gone, but even he has to admit the only way to save his family’s legacy is with my help.

It’s not easy working side by side and facing those old memories. But this situation is only temporary. We’re at a crossroads. And as long as I don’t let myself fall in love with West Haven again, maybe this is our chance to put those ghosts to rest. Maybe this time we’ll finally be able to say goodbye.




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“The boys don’t know about this.” Curtis’s announcement was no more than a murmur, but he might as well have screamed it in my ear.


“I didn’t know how to tell them.”

My jaw dropped. “So you just . . . didn’t?”

He shook his head.

Oh, hell. Seriously? How could he have kept this a secret? Was this my punishment for trying to do the right thing? Having to watch as he delivered the bad news? Or was he expecting me to tell them?

My temples throbbed with every question. This headache would be a migraine before the day was done.

“You will tell them.” I steeled my spine and splayed my fingers on the desk.

My desk.

This was my desk.

I wasn’t a guest. I wasn’t a spectator. I was here on business.

I was here to do what Dad had taught me to do.

From this moment on, I was in charge. And I was going to make Curtis tell his children that I was now the owner of the Crazy Mountain Cattle Resort.

“I’ll tell them.” Curtis nodded.

As the color drained from his face, my heart twisted.

He’d had over a month to tell them. Any other situation, and I wouldn’t feel an ounce of pity. He’d made his bed.

But this was Curtis. This was the man who’d helped me on my first horse. The man who’d befriended my father. The man who’d always made sure my family had an escape.

If he couldn’t do it, if he couldn’t tell West and Jax, then I’d do it for him.

Footsteps sounded in the hallway.

I sat up straighter as my pulse raced. Breathe. In and out.

Four days on the road, prepping myself for this, and I still wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready to face him.

“Dad?” Jax called.

Phew. The air rushed from my lungs. The relief would be short lived, but I’d take every millisecond I could get.

“In here.” Curtis kept his gaze trained out the window.

Jax breezed into the office, drawing up short when he spotted me behind the desk. “Hi. Sorry. Thought Dad was alone.”

“Hi.” I stood and held out my hand. “Indya Keller.”

“Nice to meet you, ma’am.” He studied my face as he returned the shake. “Or have we met?”

“We have.” I nodded. “But it was a long time ago.”

The last time I had seen Jax, he was a teenager, finishing his senior year of high school. Had he gone to college? Or had he been here for the past four years?

He’d filled out his broad frame and lost the softness of youth. Dark-blond whiskers covered his jaw. His smile was easy. Charming. Not something he shared with his brother.

West’s smiles were always charming but never came easy.

Jax took the seat beside his father, kicking an ankle up over his knee. His posture was relaxed, but his eyes narrowed, no doubt wondering what I was doing on the wrong side of the desk. “What’s this about?”

“We’ll wait for West,” Curtis said.

Jax hummed and snatched a water, gulping half the bottle in the time it took for another pair of footsteps to echo in the hallway.

My shoulders drew toward my ears, but I forced them down. I donned the impassive expression I’d mastered lately. The expression Blaine hated. Ironic, because our marriage was the reason I’d learned it in the first place.

But despite the neutral facade, my heart drummed faster and faster. Then it stopped. The moment West appeared, everything stopped.

The world faded to a blur, and I forgot how to breathe.

God, he looked good. As rugged and handsome as the day I’d vowed never to visit this ranch again. His dark hair was a mess. There was a slight ring around it, like he’d been wearing a hat for hours today and he’d used his fingers to comb it out. His chiseled jaw was covered in thick, dark stubble.

His broad frame filled the doorway. The top two buttons on his chambray shirt were undone, the skin beneath tan and sweaty. There was a pair of leather gloves tucked in the back pocket of his faded Wranglers.

“What’s—” The moment he spotted me behind the desk, he came to an abrupt halt outside the door. “Indya?”

Once upon a time, I’d lived to hear that deep, gravelly voice. “Hi, West.”

His hazel eyes roamed my face, taking in every detail. Then they dropped to my hands on the desk. To the finger that used to wear a diamond ring.

“Have a seat,” Curtis said.

West’s gaze shifted to his father. Whatever he saw made his frame lock and his jaw clench. “Think I’ll stand.”

Of course he would.

There was no more obstinate, stubborn man on this planet than West Haven.

Curtis sighed, like he’d expected that reaction from his oldest son. He nodded, then swallowed hard, but didn’t speak.

Would he tell them? Or was he just going to sit there and stare at me?

The sound of my pounding heart was so loud, I was sure the men could hear it too.

Curtis kept his attention fixed on me like we were playing a game. Who would crack first? He wasn’t going to tell them, was he? Coward. He was going to make me do it.

“Dad?” Jax asked. “What’s—”

“I sold the ranch.”

The breath I’d been holding rushed from my lungs. The temperature in the room plummeted as Curtis’s statement settled deep.

“What the fuck?” Jax exploded out of his chair, the backs of his knees sending it skidding across the floor. “You sold the ranch?”

Waves of icy fury rolled off West’s body, but he didn’t move. He fixed his stare on me, pinning me to this horrible chair.

Curtis dropped his chin and managed a nod. The shame seemed to weigh so heavily on his shoulders I feared that flimsy chair would collapse.

“To you?” Jax pointed to my nose. “He sold it to you?”

“Yes,” I answered, still holding West’s gaze.




About Devney Perry:

Devney Perry is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of over forty romance novels. After working in the technology industry for a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to pursue her passion for writing. She was born and raised in Montana and now lives in Washington with her husband and two sons.

Connect with Devney: 

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I CAN’T EVEN, an all-new suspenseful romance from Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author, Lani Lynn Vale, is available now!

Scroll down for an exclusive excerpt!



There she was, eating a chicken burrito waiting for traffic to clear, when he appeared like a knight in shining armor…



Ellodie Cassandra Solaire made a single, solitary New Year’s resolution.

That resolution was set in stone, and she wouldn’t be breaking it, no matter what.

It was simple: Say yes to every person who asks her out on a date until she finds a boyfriend.

Easy, right?


She breaks that New Year’s resolution three months into the year after a guy gives her serial killer vibes.

Fast forward three months, and she’s unhappily saying yes to any man who asks.

Until one day, there she is, eating a chicken burrito waiting for traffic to clear, and he appears like a knight in shining armor.

One second, she’s counting down the seconds until the parade dissipates so she can go home, and the next, a car is flying through the air directly beside her, courtesy of a hot cop performing a PIT maneuver.

It’s during the middle of the arrest when Quaid Carter’s eyes find hers.

From that moment on, she’s lost to anyone else but him.

The only problem is that serial killer vibe she got off of her potential date a few months ago isn’t just a vibe. It’s a full-blown obsession. And the serial killer decides that she won’t be the one to get away.

Quaid Carter has different ideas, though.




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Hot Cop got out of his cruiser, did a sliding maneuver across the hood of it, then stood up. Seconds later, he was bodily dragging 4-Runner guy out of his vehicle and slamming him to the hood of the cruiser with barely contained violence.

“You have the right to remain silent…” the cop started to read him his rights.

That’s when I caught my breath.

It’d all happened to fast.

And sweet Mary, mother of God.

The commentators on the DPD’s page were right.

The cop was hot.

Really, really, really hot.

As in, I have a fuckin’ stutter and I’m not even talking, hot.

The cop was in uniform.

He had on the cargo pants I’d seen some of them wear, but not the uniform that patrol wore.

Black tactical pants, a black t-shirt that read ‘Dallas Police’ on it, and a thick black belt that held a big gun, shiny silver cuffs, a flash‐light, a taser, a cannister of mace, and a baton. And that bright gold badge.

The man’s knee went into 4-Runner’sbackside, and he pinned him there using only the strength in his legs.

With his hands, he expertly cuffed the guy who was likely going to see significant time in a jail cell.

It was in that quiet lull, as the man stopped screaming about his arms hurting, that I took a loud, crunchy bite of my crispito.

The sound had the cop and the suspect both looking over at me.

I mean, my car was only a few inches away from the police cruiser.

4-Runner guy sneered.

The cop, with his mirrored Ray-Ban sunglasses, head of gorgeously delicious light brown hair, and jaw line that would make any woman—lesbian or straight—weep, grinned.

“Good job,” I said through another mouthful of delicious crispito.

The man lowered his sunglasses just enough and winked at me. “Thanks, Calamity.




About Lani Lynn Vale:

Lani Lynn Vale is an American author of humorous romantic suspense novels. Born in the Great State of Texas, she has lived the majority of her adult life in East Texas where most of her novels are based. She’s married to her high school sweetheart whom her readers refer to as “LLV’s Bearded Half.” She published her first novel, Boomtown, in the summer of 2013 after the birth of her third child. She’s gone on to publish over 100 novels, with most of them going on to become USA Today Bestsellers.

Connect with Lani:

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COVER REVEAL: The Accidental Dating Experiment by Lauren Blakely

THE ACCIDENTAL DATING EXPERIMENT, a sexy new small town, only-one-bed, frenemies-to-lovers, second-chance romantic comedy from #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, Lauren Blakely, is coming June 6th! Check out this cover!



Series:  HOW TO DATE (#4)
Release Date:  JUNE 6, 2024



I’ve spent the better part of eight years resisting my best friend’s little sister. What’s one more week?

The hardest week ever when it includes a proposition to be her dating coach.

Eight years ago I fell into a secret summer fling with the bright, big-hearted Juliet before our lives went in different directions.

Now, I’m the grumpy to her sunshine on a popular dating podcast we host, and when a wealthy fan gives us a charming coastal cottage as the biggest thank you ever, we head to the town where I grew up to give it a makeover.

And find the house has only one bed.

Located under a mirrored ceiling.

To make matters even harder, the woman I’ve been pining for tells me she wants to try to find the one and would I please be her dating coach for the week?

Like hell I’ll let her date other men. I’ll coach her on three dates with me.

But the second I take her out, I don’t feel like her teacher. I feel like she’s mine, especially when the first night ends with us tangled up together in that bed.

Each night we grow closer, but this dating experiment forces me to face my greatest fear – whether a man like me is worthy of her love.

Even though I’m already head over heels for her.





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About Lauren Blakely:

A #1 New York Times Bestselling, #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling, and #1 Audible Bestselling author, Lauren Blakely is known for her contemporary romance style that’s cute but spicy. Lauren likes dogs, cake, and show tunes and is the vegetarian at your dinner party.

Connect with Lauren:

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COVER REVEAL: Time For Change by Lacey Black

TIME FOR CHANGE, an opposites attract, age-gap, single dad small town romance from USA Today Bestselling Author, Lacey Black, is coming June 18th! Check out this cover!



Photographer:  WANDER AGUIAR
Release Date:  JUNE 18, 2024




There’s nothing more liberating than picking up your life and relocating. I needed a fresh start, desperately looking to get away from my past. Stewart Grove is such a cute small town and seems like the perfect place to settle. Add in the fact I got a job serving at the popular Burgers and Brew restaurant, and everything seems to be clicking into place.

Then single dad Jack Harper sat down at one of my tables and turned my world upside down.

I wasn’t expecting to meet a man so quickly after moving, let alone one ten years my senior, but there’s no denying the instant connection. The problem is, I carry a secret. One that could destroy this new life I’m creating.

I just pray it all doesn’t blow up in my face.


Weekends are spent with my kids. As a local electrician and business owner, I don’t exactly work your typical nine-to-five job. Add in co-parenting with my ex-wife, and there isn’t a lot of free time for myself. Dates have always been an afterthought, especially when the few I’ve been on didn’t go well. I’m content with just being Dad, making sure my kids always come first.

Then I met her.

Stevie Clement is completely unexpected in the best sort of way, and I find myself drawn to her like I’ve never experienced. I want all of her time, in my life and in my bed.

However, it may come down to an impossible decision: my kids or the woman I want to spend my life with.




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Available to pre-order at the following retailers for a VERY limited time!

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About Lacey Black:

USA Today Bestselling Author Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading, writing, and shopping. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and three rowdy chickens.

Connect with Lacey:

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RELEASE BLITZ: This Woman Forever by Jodi Ellen Malpas

THIS WOMAN FOREVER, the poignant and passionate conclusion to the hero’s point-of-view retelling of the iconic This Man series from #1 New York Times  Bestselling Author, Jodi Ellen Malpas, is out now!



His past is pursuing him.

His forever with Ava is uncertain…



Living a life free of demons and finding forgiveness had always seemed unattainable to Jesse Ward. And yet Ava O’Shea offered him a chance of happiness, the possibility of a happy ever after. Their affair has been an intense whirlwind, full of highs and lows, and now Jesse’s finally on the cusp of realizing what he always thought was impossible.

Love. Marriage. Acceptance.


Except for one very important thing. The final part of Jesse’s past that he’s kept from the woman of his dreams. Because surely Ava will walk away if she knows about the most damaging skeleton in his endless closet.

As Jesse navigates his wild, infinitely passionate relationship with Ava, the demons stir, threatening to damage their love and trust. His domination and fierceness inevitably intensifies, ensuring he’s constantly straddling the line between bliss and complete irrationality.

His past is pursuing him.

His forever with Ava is uncertain.

And Jesse’s faced with the inconceivable reality that by simply bringing Ava into his world, he’s ultimately risked her life.




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“…electric…riveting…authentic… a truly unputdownable reading experience.” ~Danielle, Red Cheeks Reads


Check out Danielle’s 5 SMOOCHES review!



About Jodi Ellen Malpas:

Jodi Ellen Malpas was born and raised in England, where she lives with her husband, boys and Theo the Doberman. She is a self-professed daydreamer, and has a terrible weak spot for alpha males. Writing powerful love stories with addictive characters has become her passion—a passion she now shares with her devoted readers. She’s a proud #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, a Sunday Times Bestseller, and her work is published in over twenty-five languages across the world. You can learn more about Jodi & her words at

Connect with Jodi:

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Sign up for her newsletter to stay up-to-date with Jodi!


REVIEW: This Woman Forever by Jodi Ellen Malpas


* * * * * * * * * *


Living a life free of demons and finding forgiveness had always seemed unattainable to Jesse Ward. And yet Ava O’Shea offered him a chance of happiness, the possibility of a happy ever after. Their affair has been an intense whirlwind, full of highs and lows, and now Jesse’s finally on the cusp of realizing what he always thought was impossible.

Love. Marriage. Acceptance.


Except for one very important thing. The final part of Jesse’s past that he’s kept from the woman of his dreams. Because surely Ava will walk away if she knows about the most damaging skeleton in his endless closet.

As Jesse navigates his wild, infinitely passionate relationship with Ava, the demons stir, threatening to damage their love and trust. His domination and fierceness inevitably intensifies, ensuring he’s constantly straddling the line between bliss and complete irrationality.

His past is pursuing him.

His forever with Ava is uncertain.

And Jesse’s faced with the inconceivable reality that by simply bringing Ava into his world, he’s ultimately risked her life.

* * * * * * * * * *


Jodi Ellen Malpas concludes the re-telling of the This Man series from Jesse Ward’s point-of-view with the third book in the trilogy, This Woman Forever. An addictive combination of passion, emotion and intrigue, Malpas’ engaging style of storytelling is perfectly suited for telling these kinds of complex and complicated love stories like the one between enigmatic billionaire, Jesse Ward, and the woman who stole his heart, Ava O’Shea.

Intensely sexy and profoundly emotional, Jesse and Ava’s romance is an epic one. If you’ve read the original This Man series, which was told from Ava’s perspective, you may think you know all you need to know about this couple. I’m here to tell you that you don’t—this trip to The Manor is an entirely different experience. The couple’s connection is just as electric, their story is just as riveting and the authentic portrayal of their emotional struggles made for a truly unputdownable reading experience. Five smooches from me for This Woman Forever by Jodi Ellen Malpas!

~Danielle Palumbo



Amazon  |  Apple Books  |  Kobo  |  Nook  |  Paperback  |  Audible


RELEASE BLITZ WITH EXCERPT: Well and Truly Pucked by Lauren Blakely

WELL AND TRULY PUCKED, a new rivals-to-lovers, forced proximity, why-choose hockey romance from #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, Lauren Blakely, is available now!

Scroll down for an excerpt!



I only asked one hot hockey-playing friend to give me romance lessons for the week, but three hockey stars volunteered…



I swear I only asked one hot hockey-playing friend to give me romance lessons for the week, but three hockey stars volunteered…

The post breakup plan was simple – escape from my toxic ex to a vacation rental and stay far away from men.

But thanks to a booking snafu I’m accidentally sharing it with three hot hockey players. One’s flirty, one’s broody, one’s a cheeky Brit, and they’re all the most attentive men I’ve ever met.

After a couple of glasses of champagne, I’m telling them about the contest my ex is running on his dating advice web site. The topic? What makes a great boyfriend, and I want to submit a column.

All three offer to show me every single thing I’ve been missing in and out of bed.

We make a deal for one week only. It’s only for revenge, of course. I work for the other hockey team in the city so it’d be a big mistake to truly get involved with a rival, let alone three.

Even though I melt under their touch. They show me what it means to be adored, cherished and romanced.

But as the week ticks on, what started as revenge fast turns into me giving my heart to three men I can’t have. Looks like I’m well and truly pucked.




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Full cast narration by Samantha Brentmoor, Jason Clarke, Connor Crais & Teddy Hamilton


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“…a must-listen for fans of steamy romance and why choose dynamics.” ~Danielle, Red Cheeks Reads


Check out Danielle’s 5 SMOOCHES review!





I shudder.

Have I ever been kissed on my wrist before? I don’t think so, and I don’t ever want him to stop.

“Gavin, help him out. Kiss the back of her arm,” Rhys instructs nonchalantly. Gavin plants a kiss on the underside of my elbow.

They kiss me more, treasure hunters discovering all the places on my body till I’m gasping, shivering.

Then, Hollis steps back and runs a hand down his tie, his blue eyes locked with mine. “Take it off me, Briar,” he commands.

With eager fingers I undo the knot. Tug off the tie. Hand it to him.

“Gavin, worship our girl a little,” Rhys says. “Maybe kiss her ankles. See if she likes that.”

I look to Rhys, a heated charge zinging between the Englishman and me, all while Gavin drops to his knees, then wraps a big hand around my calf.

He kisses me, and I whimper.

But there’s no time to linger in the new sensations of ankle kisses since Hollis crowds me, draping the tie around my neck. The silk slides against my skin. “You’re going to look so f*&king pretty wearing my tie.”




About Lauren Blakely:

A #1 New York Times Bestselling, #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling, and #1 Audible Bestselling author, Lauren Blakely is known for her contemporary romance style that’s sweet, sexy and witty. She also writes red-hot, sexy romance and USA Today bestselling LGBTQ romance.

With fourteen New York Times bestsellers, her titles have appeared on the New York TimesUSA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Lists more than 100 times, with more than 65 titles on the USA Today Bestsellers list alone. She’s sold more than 5 million books.

A graduate of Brown University, Lauren likes dogs, cake and show tunes and she is the vegetarian at your dinner party.

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REVIEW: Well and Truly Pucked by Lauren Blakely



* * * * * * * * * *


I swear I only asked one hot hockey-playing friend to give me romance lessons for the week, but three hockey stars volunteered…

The post breakup plan was simple – escape from my toxic ex to a vacation rental and stay far away from men.

But thanks to a booking snafu I’m accidentally sharing it with three hot hockey players. One’s flirty, one’s broody, one’s a cheeky Brit, and they’re all the most attentive men I’ve ever met.

After a couple of glasses of champagne, I’m telling them about the contest my ex is running on his dating advice web site. The topic? What makes a great boyfriend, and I want to submit a column.

All three offer to show me every single thing I’ve been missing in and out of bed.

We make a deal for one week only. It’s only for revenge, of course. I work for the other hockey team in the city so it’d be a big mistake to truly get involved with a rival, let alone three.

Even though I melt under their touch. They show me what it means to be adored, cherished and romanced.

But as the week ticks on, what started as revenge fast turns into me giving my heart to three men I can’t have. Looks like I’m well and truly pucked.


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A Lauren Blakely audiobook is always something special, but a fully casted Lauren Blakely audiobook is an experience. Well and Truly Pucked, the final book in Blakely’s My Hockey Romance series, is an immersive and utterly addictive reading event that showcases the author’s unparalleled storytelling skills. Blakely expertly weaves a tale of passion, humor, and heart in this rivals-to-lovers, forced proximity, reverse harem/why choose style hockey romance. Samantha Brentmoor, Jason Clarke, Connor Crais and Teddy Hamilton’s individual and group performances were wonderful. Their portrayals of the sensual yoga instructor heroine and the three chivalrous, hockey-player heroes, their witty banter and off-the-charts chemistry came through my Air Pods loud and clear, drawing me right into their steamy encounters and heartwarming moments.

Blakely skillfully delves into the emotional complexities of a why choose/reverse harem style relationship, exploring the challenges and joys of navigating a love story with multiple partners. I followed along as Briar and the boys transitioned from friendship to something more, laughing, swooning and rooting for this unconventional quartet to find their happily ever after. With its captivating storytelling, brilliant narration and unforgettable characters, the audiobook version of Well and Truly Pucked is a must-listen for fans of steamy romance and why choose dynamics. Five smooches from me for Lauren Blakely’s Well and Truly Pucked!

~Danielle Palumbo




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