Heartbeat Series by Renee Lee Fisher Promo Tour and Giveaway

Twinsie Jo

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Rock notes

Madison Tierney’s a writer, whose husband, Thomas suddenly left her after 10 years; she is destroyed and now recently alone and divorced. She picks herself up slowly trying to restore her lost confidence and ability to love again. She follows her writing passion and ventures to follow a local band – Rolling Isaac’s and write about them, raw and real and how they follow their dreams. Her book is titled ROCK NOTES.

Her ex-husband wants to come back, and she is torn with what she had for ten years with him which was safe, comforting and a committed relationship. And now she is falling hard for the band singer – Max Rand (Madison calls him Rand), who is several years younger than her and every moment with him is intense and unpredictable.

Rand has tragically lost love in his life. He has no love left to give. He fills his time with many groupies and late nights. The story travels you to various concert venues, from a sexy piercing party to a New Years rocking eve. There are many interruptions and assumptions for this couple along their journey.

While Madison is writing ROCK NOTES, somewhere along the way she begins to write LOVE NOTES, which are personal secret love letters for Rand. Also Rand is always writing music with the hope of creating his first solo album. Both Madison and Rand appear to be able to write their feelings on paper effortlessly but have a hard time conveying them to one another. This story is about being so broken inside from having your heart ripped apart, to attempting to rebuild trust, follow your dreams and hopefully find love.

Will she return to the warm awaiting arms of her ex-husband who still is in love with her? Or will there be a new beginning for Madison and Rand? Can these two empty souls feel love again? Or will what ignites between them simply fade away after the concert lights dim?

GOODREADS- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18005994-rock-notes?from_search=true

Teaser 1

Teaser 2

Love Notes

As our bodies joined as one, I felt more in that one moment than I have ever felt with anyone. I never wanted to leave your arms, your body, and our connection. I believe that you complete me, you were made for me. I struggled to keep my feelings at bay and not let you know but I am too emotionally involved with you and to know now that you are with me is beyond belief.
Where we head from here together has unlimited paths. I know I will always have this need now to have you fulfill me as I know you can. I see you and just a glance across the room to you makes me want to have us running to the bedroom. Silently I ponder how to relay to you just how much Love I contain for you. Some days I feel like my heart is about to burst.
Maddy xo

Madison and Rand’s love story continues as they move their relationship to a more passionate, intimate level…but again they are thrown some challenges. Will Madison and Rand be together and move forward or…backward? Read what comes their way to cause doubt in their minds. Just when everything is going fine, sometimes accidents occur.

Oh, God, something horrible has happened. I only remember parts of it and they seem like snapshots that were taken so quickly…I need to feel you near me. I need to reach out and touch you and let you know I love you. Rand, I never felt so in love as I do when I am with you.
Maddy xo

“What the hell are you talking about Madison? You have me at a complete loss here?” Rand

Madison must fully trust Rand to commit herself to him forever in marriage. Rand must make her see and feel what she truly means to him. This story will pull at your heart and make you tear as you turn the pages that may finally reveal Madison’s handwritten LOVE NOTES.

Will they get their Happily Ever After?

GOODREADS – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18329845-love-notes

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Music Notes

How will Madison and Rand keep their love and music playing?
Music Notes (Book Three of the Heartbeat Series)

Just when life seems to be going smooth, Madison receives news that leaves her speechless. She’s a writer that for the moment cannot form her words. Rand now is the one to continue their story…his story.

Music Notes will take you on the tour with Max Rand as his first Solo Album – Simply Mad is launched. Will his travel for several months put distance in their relationship? Can their love survive?

Rand will travel through his own journey of self discovery along the way. Just when Rand is at a high point in his life, a collapse . . . will bring one of them down…Rand? Madison?

One person will offer the ultimate sacrifice. See the songs that Rand has written, and where his inspiration comes from.

Follow this novel and see how it plays out.

GOODREADS – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20652114-music-notes

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Buy Links

Rock Notes

iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/rock-notes/id659746792?mt=11

B&N – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rock-notes-renee-lee-fisher/1115566650?ean=9781490383361

All Romance Link – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-rocknotes-1216895-149.html

Love Notes

iTunes –

B&N –http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/love-notes-renee-lee-fisher/1116599368?ean=9781492232537
All Romance Link – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-lovenotes-1268352-149.html

Music Notes

iTunes –

B&N –http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/music-notes-the-heartbeat-series-book-3-renee-lee-fisher/1118428018?ean=2940045613842
All Romance Link – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-musicnotes-1406048-149.html

Rock Notes Excerpt –

Once my eyes closed, my thoughts turned to Rand, lost soul, lost love, so similar to me but then on stage he was so confident and sure of himself and his place in the world. That confidence was something that I lacked. He attacked the stage and all his charm and stunning looks dissolved those that set their eyes or minds on him. My mind kept trailing over and over about him.

His deep blue eyes, his messy dark hair that just swept over his shoulder, his towering height, his hidden inks. I could think of nothing but him.

I tensed for a moment when I felt someone hovering over me. I felt a breath and caught the scent of Rand fresh from a shower. I was lying on my side and I slightly opened my eyes. I knew I was seeing him, not dreaming. I could see him getting closer and I shut my eyes, remaining so very still. He reached down, took his curved fingers down my cheek, so slowly and tenderly and then he leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. Trailing his mouth down from my forehead he placed a soft kiss on the side of my neck and then moved upward to the tip of my shoulder and he lightly bit at my cami strap. I was so completely shocked and although I wanted to reach around and tell him I was awake, I couldn’t move. I had hopes that in the darkness he didn’t see me see peak out at him moments earlier. He then whispered, “Night Madison” and he tugged off my boots and pulled a light blanket over me.

When the sun appeared in the bedroom I awoke all nervous, I got up and went to the bathroom. I had to search my purse for items to make myself presentable. It had only been about four hours that I slept. I gathered my boots and put my sweater back on and went downstairs to find Rand already wide awake and in the kitchen making us some breakfast.

“I’m starving,” he said looking at me like he was ready to devour me. “Madison what are you hungry for?”

He made me hesitate to answer him, I was definitely hungry for him. “I think I could eat something.” My stomach was excited and jumping inside just from seeing him so relaxed and cooking.

“Your phone has been vibrating all morning.”

“What’s vibrating?” I was too focused on his body and didn’t hear his words.

“Your phone, you left it on the steps last night with your computer.”

“Oh, okay that’s what was vibrating.” I was still watching his body in motion, and was thinking of how I would like him to make me stir. He caught me staring at him and I looked away and then I remembered I had silenced my phone during their practice and then powered it up when we walked over to the house. I had to pull myself together so I went to retrieve my phone and I looked at all the missed messages, they were from Jillian. I hollered back, “Rand, I just need a few minutes to check my messages.” I went into his main front room and dialed her back.

“Where the hell are you?” Jillian yelled. She was so worried that I hadn’t called her and she stopped by my place having her own key and I was no where to be found. It took some effort to calm her but I told her briefly what had happened since the concert.

“Jillian can you take me to Philly today to get my car? I don’t want to put Rand out anymore. I’ll just see if he can bring me back to my house.”

“I’ll agree only on one condition, I want every single detail, don’t leave anything out, I want all of them!” I had to put my hand over the phone as she said this. She was so loud and I hoped Rand did not hear any of this.

“Hey, I should go, I don’t want to be rude, he is making me breakfast,” I whispered to her.

“No I bet you’re his breakfast…but I’ll come get you at noon. You can tell me then how great this sexy man is.”

I didn’t get to comment, as she hung up too quickly. Rand flashed me a sexy smile when I returned to the kitchen, I wasn’t

sure if he heard any of our conversation. I did look up at the high ceiling in his house and knew each word spoken echoed.

Love Notes Excerpt-

A damp tear hit the corner of my eye and I was glad to have only a touch of makeup on, “I love you so much more,” I replied. I pulled up on my feet to reach his waiting lips and take him in and not only by the mouth, but by his waist to have him near me. We moved from kissing to him dropping to his knees and slowly dropping my warm up pants with one pull on the string. I come apart in seconds and bite my lower lip so that I could contain my scream. A moan of pleasure shakes through my throat. I am breathless and spent as I come and hear his soft groans of satisfaction below. I don’t know how I am going to make it to or through the ceremony.

As Rand slowly rises up next to me licking his lips with the biggest grin, I reach below to feel to the zipper holding him tightly restrained. Slowly, I release him from his jeans. Fleeting thoughts passed my mind, to be in a compromising situation like this with so many workers surrounding the property that at any moment any of them could walk in on us…it actually made the moment more intimate and exciting and we couldn’t take our hands off one another. It didn’t take too long until we were one with our bodies and I felt a rush of emotion race through me as

yet another tear slid down my cheek. Rand noticed and looked intently into my eyes and licked the droplet away. I was filled with Rand soulfully and completely. I felt the pulsation of us beating in my core together.

As we usually are interrupted in our heated moments, this was special as it seemed a long time we were there with one another and no one calling for us. This day was a new beginning, affirmation of love, and a relationship that should have happened a long time ago.

Music Notes Excerpt:

“Let me start with taking your shirt off so I can see you.” I catch her eyes with that comment and excitement is looking back

toward me. I lower my mouth to her flesh and taking her nipple to my lips. I’m holding back to make love to her sweetly and slowly. Her hands rake through my hair rapidly with need as she moans and then Madison pulls away from my mouth that was sucking her luscious breasts. Before I can try to protest or slow down our pace she has positioned herself on top of me and she is rubbing her mound against my jeans eagerly waiting for me to make the next move. I can’t resist her repeated gyrations, I am going to freaking come before I get inside her. Keeping her seated over me I raise my pelvis lifting her up a slight bit and she giggles. I shift my already unzipped pants down and now she can continue her dance on my naked, exposed shaft.

All that is between us is her long skirt that she hiked up in her initial climb on top of me. I take my tense hands and tightly pull up the sides of the fabric until it is close to her smooth thighs. All I know is that I want to find my resting place between those thighs. I slide my free hand underneath her skirt and can feel the warmth that is coming from her. I touch her with just a flick and she quivers and groans. Her head is thrown back and her eyes closed and she is still rocking and moving her pelvis into me, but now with me playing her folds.

“Rand, I, oh, I, meant to make you feel…oh, that feels so good.” Madison is getting out of breath. I know it won’t be long, I only have to play with her just a tiny bit more. Oh yeah, she will be breathless in about fifteen seconds… “RAND OH YES, YES, RAND!!!!” In my head I know that was actually just about five seconds, and I’m grateful for that. I know I can’t hold out much longer, and I still haven’t gotten inside her.

I almost expected her to lie next to me and relax after having a great orgasm. I was wrong though. She always feels that she has to take care of me. Without shifting positions, Madison reaches under and finds what is waiting for her. She takes hold of me and guides me right into her warmth and we groan in unison as we fit together so damn perfectly.

Book Trailers

Rock Notes

Love Notes

Music Notes


Author Bio

Author that has the passion for putting her pen and ideas to paper. A pure romance junkie and she loves to tell stories. She was an English Major of LaSalle University and always wanted to be a writer. In the past years her books titled – From the Vine (a collection of writings/poems) and Cody and the Pumpkin Truck (a Childrens’ Book) were published. She has also written many other childrens’ stories, lyrics, articles and wedding ceremonies. Currently she is deep into her Heartbeat Series of Contemporary Romance Novels which are titled – ROCK NOTES, LOVE NOTES, MUSIC NOTES, FIRST BEAT, FIRST BASS and FIRST TASTE.

Also coming soon The Crossing Series I, II and III of The Knot Hole, The Passage and The Muse.

Renee resides in Eagleville, PA. with her husband Michael, of many years and her two cats – Nyah and Cody. She has a great support system of Love from her family and friends.

Renee BELIEVES you should follow your DREAMS and that –

The HAPPIEST of people don’t have the best of everything,
they simply make the best of everything.

Renee loves to travel, especially to St. Martin – Netherland Antilles. She enjoys meeting new people to inspire her and she will always write down a person’s name that is unique to use as a potential character in her future writings.

Author Links
Website – www.reneeleefisher.com

Email – author@reneeleefisher.com

Facebook –https://www.facebook.com/ReneeLeeFisherAuthor

Twitter –https://twitter.com/ReneeLeeFisher


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Truth or Dare by Sloan Johnson Review


5 Smooches

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Lea Baker fell in love with Colby Davis four years ago. The problem? He sees her as one of the guys.

After the party from hell, both of them will be forced to face their true feelings for one another. Once the truth comes out, everything changes.


I so completely and utterly LOVED this New Adult serial by Sloan Johnson. Since I am not a huge fan of cliffhangers, I do not often read serials. But now, after reading Truth or Dare I feel I must be missing out! Sloan was able to grab my attention from the beginning and make me fall in love with all the characters in story.

Truth or Dare revolves around a pair of best friends, Lea and Colby, who happen to also be room-mates. These two bonded in High School and have only become closer as the years go on. Scared to mess up what they have and scared that their futures are taking them in different directions neither one will own up to the feelings they have for the other.

This was very much a coming of age story of two best friends deciding if having everything they ever worth the possibility of losing all that they have.  Deciding to take that next step from a friendship that has lasted years and life changes is difficult and this story proves that.

I really enjoyed watching Lea and Colby try to deal with the feelings they were having and the ramifications of their actions. Truth or Dare found just the right mix of fun and excitement and emotional stress. I thought the idea of all of this coming to fruition from a game of Truth or Dare was unique and exciting. As a young girl I can clearly remember playing games like this and just wishing something exciting would come out of it, so for me this was a youthful fantasy come true. Sloan wrote the beginning of a fun but beautiful story that I cannot wait to continue.


Perception by Nicole Edwards Blog Tour and Giveaway



Club Destiny #6

by Nicole Edwards



Xander and Mercedes both know firsthand what it feels like to be in total control. The question is… who really holds all of the power?

Xander Boone has never had a problem going after what he wants. In fact, he has built his life around doing just that. And he has a rather impressive track record. But Xander finds himself up against his biggest challenge yet. As fate would have it, Xander’s greatest desire is a woman who has always been off limits to him. One he wants more than his next breath. Nothing about her is easy, but then again, things that are worth it never are. So, when the perfect opportunity presents itself, Xander knows it’s time to call in a favor. Mercedes Bryant believes there is only one way to do something. She also knows what Xander wants isn’t possible. But she‘s about to learn that you shouldn’t always believe what you think you see. And Xander is going to be the one to teach her that lesson.

Warning: This ebook contains sinfully hot encounters between consenting adults. This book includes voyeurism, public exhibitionism, and mild elements of BDSM. Contains graphic material that is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18.

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Buy The Book

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About The Author

Nicole lives in Central Texas with her husband, kids and her two dogs. Although she has been writing since a very young age, she has recently ventured into the full time world of writing and is loving every second of it.

She is the author of the Club Destiny and Alluring Indulgence series and working on more projects at this time.


Connect With The Author



Club Destiny Facebook




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Other Books In The Club Destiny Series

(novels can be read as standalones)



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Nicole is giving away Tantric Satin Ties Play Kit, a signed paperback of Perception, a Club Destiny wall clock, ebooks of Perception and giftcards. To win just click the link and enter!

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Perception by Nicole Edwards Review


5 Smooches!

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Xander and Mercedes both know firsthand what it feels like to be in total control. The question is… who really holds all of the power?

Xander Boone has never had a problem going after what he wants. In fact, he has built his life around doing just that. And he has a rather impressive track record. But Xander finds himself up against his biggest challenge yet. As fate would have it, Xander’s greatest desire is a woman who has always been off limits to him. One he wants more than his next breath. Nothing about her is easy, but then again, things that are worth it never are. So, when the perfect opportunity presents itself, Xander knows it’s time to call in a favor. Mercedes Bryant believes there is only one way to do something. She also knows what Xander wants isn’t possible. But she‘s about to learn that you shouldn’t always believe what you think you see. And Xander is going to be the one to teach her that lesson.

Warning: This ebook contains sinfully hot encounters between consenting adults. This book includes voyeurism, public exhibitionism, and mild elements of BDSM. Contains graphic material that is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18.


I love all of Nicole Edwards books.  Her Alluring Indulgence Series is my favorite, though.  What can I say?  I am a southern girl and I love me some hot cowboys.  My favorite book of the Club Destiny series has always been Temptation but Perception might have just taken its place.  I really loved this book so hard.

Mercedes and Xander are both Doms.  They have been friends for many years but the truth is that Xander has just been waiting for the right moment to snatch, his bestie, Mercedes up.  He is in love with her and wants him all for his own.  Poor Mercedes doesn’t even see it coming and believes there relationship never has the possibility of being more than friendly, seeing as they are both Doms.  But Xander knows different.  He knows that Mercedes is more subservient than she could ever imagine and he wants her to give him five days to prove it.

10247267_10154004572160414_1504570965959690226_nThis book had me gripped from the start.  I was really rooting for Xander.  He is a man who knows what he wants in everything and he wants Mercedes with an insatiable passion that was too hot for words.  Mercedes really comes into her own with Xande’rs help.  But can he help her realize that submitting doesn’t make her weak; that when she submits she is the true holder of all the cards?

Perception was a bit different from the other Club Destiny books as it was more heavy on the BDSM, which I really enjoyed.  It was still extremely scorching hot in true Nicole Edwards fashion!  Xander and those spankings.  Whew!  That is all I have to say about that.


Buy It Now

Reasonable Doubt Vol. 2 by Whitney G. Cover Reveal and Giveaway


Title: Reasonable Doubt Volume 2

Author: Whitney Gracia Williams

Release Date: Very Soon!

Cover Designer: Najla Qambers of Najla Qambers Designs


Reasonable Doubt 2 Final Cover



She lied to me…

She betrayed the one rule that I’m most adamant about: Honesty. Complete and utter fucking honesty .

I really wish she was someone else–someone who didn’t have the ability to make me feel, someone I could easily discard like the hundreds of women before her.

She isn’t.

I’m drawn to her like I’ve never been drawn to a woman before–completely captivated by the very sight of her. But unfortunately, with my past slowly re-surfacing for all of the world to see, I’ll have to find a way to let her go.

She can never be mine.



Subject: ASSHOLE.

Just emailing you to say hello since you haven’t reached out to me, and you haven’t heard from me in a while.

Hope all is well.



His response came immediately.


Subject: Re: ASSHOLE.

I fucked you this morning, and from what I remember, I heard you loud and clear.



Subject: Re: Re: ASSHOLE.

That’s not what I meant…I meant that you and I no longer talk on the phone or email each other like we used to. You only want to fuck, and you still have a big ass problem with leaving me hanging right after. Talking about the weather for five seconds once we get done is not what I meant by post-conversation and you know it.

You’re an asshole.



Reasonable Doubt Volume One

ReasonableDoubt.v7Bold-Final (1)

 Barnes & Noble


About the Author

WGW Author

A self diagnosed candy addict, travel junkie, and hypochondriac, Whitney Gracia Williams LOVES to write about characters that make you laugh, cry, and want to (in the case of Selena Ross) reach through your Kindle and slap them.

She is the “imaginary bestselling” author of the Jilted Bride Series, Mid Life Love, Wasted Love, and Captain of My Soul.

When she’s not locked inside her room, feverishly typing away on her laptop, she can be found here:

She also loves getting emails from her readers, so if you want to tell her how much you loved (or hated) her stories, email her at whitgracia@gmail.com

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The Therapist by Jaden Wilkes Cover Reveal

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I am a sociopath.

I know this because I diagnosed myself.

I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology from a very prestigious university.

I am charming, attractive, and you probably want to sleep with me.

I take what I want, when I want, and I enjoy picking the most tragic of all my patients to experiment with.

I have no remorse, I am unrelenting in my pursuit of tragedy, and I am about to meet my match.

Her name is not important, I am only allowed to call her Mistress. She is a femme fatale, a patient, and now an obsession.

She will destroy me, I will do anything to get inside of her.

I can already feel her inside of me.

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About The Author

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Jaden is the pen name of a girl living on the prettiest farm in BC. She shares her space with her husband, her children, and an Irish Wolfhound named Tiberius. She can now be found lurking in the dark corners of the internet looking for artful porn gifs, dirty poems and places to promo her work.

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Connect With The Author

Entrusted by Nicole Edwards Cover Reveal

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Entrusted, Club Destiny #6.5

Novella for Sam and Logan

Release date is: May 1st 2014


Elijah Penn


Handsome. Successful. Single.


And looking for a polyamorous relationship.



It has been four years since his wife died, but Elijah knows that there will never be another woman who will claim his heart and he isn’t willing to replace her. He isn’t interested in marriage, but he is interested in something with a future.




Logan and Samantha McCoy


Attractive. Ambitious. Married.


And looking for a polyamorous relationship.



Logan and Samantha spent the last year and a half avoiding a very specific desire that neither of them can quite let go of. They aren’t interested in a casual fling with a stranger, so they’ve been holding back.




Is it possible that the three of them have stumbled upon something that just might be the answer to all of their desires?

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 About The Author


Nicole lives in Central Texas with her husband, kids and her two dogs. Although she has been writing since a very young age, she has recently ventured into the full time world of writing and is loving every second of it.

She is the author of the Club Destiny and Alluring Indulgence series and working on more projects at this time.

Pre-Order the Novella 

Crash by Nicole James Review



When outlaw biker Tyler “Crash” Shaw volunteers his services to his club brother, Cole Austin, VP of the Evil Dead MC, he suddenly finds himself a rich girl’s bodyguard and babysitter. Well, it’s a bitch of a job, but maybe he can have a little fun with it. He thinks he’ll get a kick out of teaching the pampered stuck-up girl a lesson or two on how the other half lives. She can cook and clean for him in exchange for his help. No free ride for her. He intends to teach her that money can’t buy her way through life.
The world saw a classy pulled-together wealthy lady. All he saw was a spoiled little rich girl. A troublemaker, that’s all she was to him. Until she revealed the shattered girl inside that tried so hard to hide her weaknesses and fears with a façade of arrogance, attitude, and sass.
He’d tear down those walls she tried so hard to build, if only she’d let him.
Could the love of a man so wrong for her be the only one to save her?
And in his darkest hour, would her love be enough to save him?
From the MC’s California charter in San Jose, to the casinos and brothels of Reno, to brother charters in the Deep South, this story will take you on a ride of highs and lows that lead ultimately to redemption.


This is the second in the series written by Nicole James and I absolutely love both Outlaw and Crash. They are wonderful MC reads with such a heart. The story development is so rich with multiple characters stealing your heart.

I loved the contrast between Crash and Shannon. Crash is so strong and straight forward. He says things how he sees them, no regrets, no judgements, even though he may be judged in return. Shannon is afraid to admit the truth, admit when she is wrong and just be herself. She hides behind her looks and her wealth. Slowly as the story develops, Crash breaks down all those walls filled with attitude and brings out the true Shannon. It’s a wonder to read about.

This story is very long, and very well written. It read so easily and the banter between the boys is some of the best I’ve read in a long time. All the men in the MC have such a fun attitude and the commentary will make you laugh out loud. I snorted quite a few times trying to stay quiet as my husband slept soundly next to me.

One thing I didn’t expect was to get multiple points of view. I loved that! We got to hear more from Angel and Cole, Mack and Natalie. I just love those relationships that were introduced in Outlaw. That being said, this could be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend reading Outlaw first. The back story in that one will help with understanding where Shannon is coming from and why she acts out the way she does in Crash.

I am a huge fan of MC reads and this is one of my favorite series. I cannot wait for more!

5 smooches!




A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers Character Blitz


Today is the character dream cast blitz post for the A LITTLE TOO FAR series by Lisa Desrochers. Three groups of bloggers will be posting dream casts from one of the books in the series. Be sure to check out each group to see how each story is connected and which characters can be found in one of the other books.



This blog is featuring the dream cast from A LITTLE TOO MUCH.


Character Casting



We first meet Alessandro Moretti in A LITTLE TOO FAR. He is a transitional deacon studying in Rome, only months away from becoming a Catholic priest…until Lexie Banks stumbles into his life. She shakes him to the core and makes him question the path he’s on. He had a rough upbringing, and did some things he believes are unforgivable. He feels his only road to redemption is to give himself to the Church and devote his life to helping others. Lexie makes him see the flaws in his logic.

Eduardo Verastegui is my perfect Alessandro

He returns to New York to try to make amends for some of the wrong he’s done, and Hilary McIntyre is one of those things. He hurt Hilary in ways he can’t even admit to himself, and now he want to help her…but from a distance. But Alessandro finds that history catches up with him and he can’t stay objective when it comes to Hilary. Despite his best intentions, he’s falling in love with her all over again.

Hilary is hard to cast because she’s the product of an Irish redhead and a Jamaican. Picture Paula Patton with faint freckles and a reddish tint to her black hair.


Seeing Alessandro again rocks Hilary’s world. She’s finally got her life on track and there’s no way she’s going to let a ghost from her past derail it. And he can never know the true devastation he left behind. But as she finds herself falling for the man who, as a boy, both saved her and destroyed her, she has a decision to make. Risk everything for love, or walk away from her only chance at happiness.

We see these two again in a pivotal scene neat the end of A LITTLE TOO HOT (book 3 in the A LITTLE TOO series).




In the follow-up to Lisa Desrochers’ explosive New Adult novel A Little too Far, Alessandro Moretti must face the life he escaped and the girl he loved and left behind.

Twenty-two year old Hilary McIntyre would like nothing more than to forget her past. As a teenager abandoned to the system, she faced some pretty dark times. But now that’s all behind her. Hilary has her life on track, and there’s no way she’ll head back down that road again.

Until Alessandro Moretti—the one person who can make her remember—shows up on her doorstep. He’s even more devastatingly gorgeous than before, and he’s much too close for comfort. Worse, he sees right through the walls she’s built over these last eight years, right into her heart and the secrets she’s guarding.

As Hilary finds herself falling back into love with the man who, as a boy both saved and destroyed her, she must decide. Past or future? Truth or lies?




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LISA DESROCHERS is the USA Today bestselling author of the A Little Too Far series, courtesy of HarperCollins, and the young adult Personal Demons trilogy from Macmillan. She lives in Northern California with her husband, two very busy daughters, and Shini the tarantula. Find her online at www.lisadwrites.com, on Twitter at @LisaDez, and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LisaDesrochersAuthor.


Business as Usual by Denise Grover Swank Release Day Launch and Giveaway

We are beyond excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for Denise Grover Swank’s BUSINESS AS USUAL! BUSINESS AS USUAL is the third novel in her Off the Subject Series and one you don’t want to miss!


Business As Usual Cover



The song ends and I look across the room, hatred filling every pore of my body for the person who’s putting Alexa through this charade. Tina’s watching us with amusement. I look down into Alexa’s face and she steps away from me. Our song is done. Our commitment is up.

Only I’m not ready to let her go yet. Maybe I can save her at least part of her embarrassment.

I cradle her cheeks and stare into her eyes, looking for any sign that she finds my touch revolting. But her breath comes in short bursts and her pupils are dilated. My thumb strokes her right cheek bone, and it amazes me how smooth her skin is. I should stop prolonging my torture, but I don’t want to hurry this moment. I want to sear it into my brain.

I lower my face to hers and her mouth parts in anticipation. Our lips touch lightly and I run my tongue along her upper lip. Her hands return to my shoulders as she takes a step closer, pressing her chest to mine, her mouth parting as she sighs. My tongue accepts the invitation, twining with hers.

Her arms tighten around my neck and I slide a hand behind her head. Blood rushes to my groin and the way she’s pressed against me, she has to know I’m getting a hard-on, yet she doesn’t step away. She presses closer instead.

Still, I take my time with the kiss, making it last. I want more, so much more, but we’re on a dance floor, surrounded by at least thirty people, being watched intently by a group of perverts in the corner. I want to keep this pure. I want to take the thing Tina meant as a punishment for Alexa and turn it into something meaningful. At least for me. But the way Alexa clings to me tells me the experience has power for her too, even if it’s just because she’s sacrificing herself for some other guy.

I finally lift my head and stare into her lust-filled eyes and I want to curse the gods who put her in my path only to take her away.

“Thank you,” she breathes out with a sigh.

“Do think that was enough to appease her?”

Her eyes cloud with momentary confusion. “Oh…yeah.”

“If it’s not, I want you to promise me that you’ll ask me for help.” I sound like a pervert myself, but the thought of someone like Tattoo Guy pawing her nauseates me.

She seems to understand my intention because she gives me a grateful look. Tears fill her eyes. “Thank you.”

I want to kiss her again, to take her out the back door and away from Tina and her vile crew, but that’s not what Alexa wants. I step back and interweave my fingers with hers. It takes every ounce of fortitude in my body to take her back to that table. When we get there, I pull out her chair to show this table full of disgusting low-lifes how to treat a woman.

Tina claps her hands. “I think there might be hope for you two yet.” She waggles her eyebrows at Alexa, then looks up at me. “I told you Reed’s—”

Alexa leans forward, her eyes wild. “I think I need another drink.”

I stare at her in disbelief. She’s trying to interrupt Tina because she thinks I don’t know who she really is—Alexa Pendergraft, baby sister to that asshole Reed Pendergraft. And with a sigh, I realize it’s better this way, all around, because I would throw everything away to get one shot with this girl.




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Lexi Pendergraft has given up on finding love after a disastrous encounter with her last boyfriend. Instead, she focuses on two things: One, setting up a summer program for underprivileged middle-school aged students. And the second, getting to the bottom of her brother Reed’s recent strange behavior. His secret is destroying his relationship with his fiancée Caroline, and Lexi will do anything to help him save it. Especially after he gave up his dream to give Lexi a chance at a semi-normal college experience, something her parents threatened to steal from her after her rape a year ago.
Ben Masterson is determined to make it through his final semester of his senior year at Southern University. After recently losing his full ride scholarship, he’s suffering from sleep deprivation while trying to keep up with his mechanical engineering courses and working three part time jobs. He thinks he’s lucked out getting a job in the university math lab. The only problem is his boss—Reed Pendergraft.

As part of a role in a community theater play, Lexi wears a black wig and feels a confidence she hasn’t experienced in over a year. When she wears it to a bar close to the theater, she doesn’t think Ben, a bartender there, recognizes her. While Ben’s intrigued about what she’s up to, he’s smart enough to stay far away from his overprotective boss’s sister. Until fate forces him to help her, but why won’t she tell him her real identity?

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Cathryn Farley PhotographyAbout Denise Grover Swank:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became a nomadic gypsy, living in five cities, four states and ten houses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty Facebook comments (in own her mind) and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to perform many unspeakable tasks. She has six children and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.

You can find out more about Denise and her other books at: www.denisegroverswank.com.

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