The Perfect Distraction by Melissa Rolka Review


4 Smooches

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When Katherine “Kate” leaves for her freshmen year at college, a grounded and stable piece of her is missing. She pushes away the ghosts of her past, determined to start her college life single, carefree and distracted.
Throughout high school Kate was reserved and shy, with little experience. Now, on her own, with little holding her back, Kate is ready to branch out. She bonds with a tight knit group of friends and even starts casually dating. What starts out as innocent flirting on the tennis courts slowly turns into a friendship and eventually something more complex. Reed comes into her life giving her the distraction she craves more than anything; but is she ready to give her heart away so easily?
Things get complicated when Kate’s ex-boyfriend and first love continues to pursue her. Kyle deeply regrets breaking her heart when he left for college the year before and is now on a mission to reclaim her. Kyle’s persistence and relentlessness is nothing short of obsessive. He will stop at nothing to win her back and prove his love.
Kate finds herself torn between her past and the unknown of the future. Her determination to stay distracted may just be her downfall or the beginning of something new and wonderful.
***For Mature Readers 18+***


In the Perfect Distraction we are introduced to Kate, fresh out of high school and ready to start college a free woman.  Her boyfriend of two years Kyle, broke up with her when he left for college the year before, so she decides to do the same-go to college single.  Once at school, she is determined to be the girl she wants to be.  Not Kyle’s ex, not the Kate with some family problems, just happy-go-lucky-Kate, is that too much to ask?  For her, it seems to be.
Kate’s Freshman year starts out with a bang, she likes her roommate Quinn well enough and meets some others as she settles in.  Maggie, Kelly, Jenna and a few boys Derek, Marco and of course Reed form a bit of a party group and start to hang out together.  Kate settles into college life and here is where I had a bit of a problem with the story.  Kate seemed very immature to me as compared to her girlfriends.  For example, she was so worried about kissing guys, which came off as more of an elementary level action as compared to college level. 
So Kate tests the waters with a few guys, but all roads lead back to Reed.  He is good looking, a tennis player and has the prettiest blue eyes ever (which is mentioned constantly, as well as Kate’s lip biting). Reed and Kate have the tennis thing in common, so they strike up a friendship that way, playing every Saturday.  Kate is aware of Reed’s player status around campus, so she doesn’t make any moves other than friendship wtih him.  School is out for the summer, Kate and Reed go their separate ways and we meet up with them her Sophomore year. 
During the summer Kate goes back home and ends up giving into her nagging ex Kyle.  This guys comes off as a total d-bag and stays that way the entire book.  He treats Kate like property and she falls right under his spell when they spend time together again.  After a few incidences with Kyle, Kate is done, however she doesn’t really tell him, she just ignores him.  Kyle is at a different school, so it is easy for Kate to go on with her life like he doesn’t exist.  Some of the prospects from the year before like Marco, have graduated, so Kate finds herself getting closer to Reed.
Reed isn’t who Kate thinks he is, so she starts to let him get closer than the year before, talking to him about Kyle and a bit about her family life.  He feels the same way about her, but knows that Kyle isn’t too far in the past and he still effects Kate.  Reed wants to make sure Kate feels the same and I think his 50 questions game was a great way to do it.  So Kate wants Reed, Reed wants Kate, Kyle still wants Kate and that is a recipe for trouble.
Things go all kinds of bad with Kate and Kyle, making Reed look like even more of a stand up guy.  He is good to Kate, but she just doesn’t think she is enough for him.  Kate wants to get her life straightened out with Kyle and her family once and for all before she can fully give herself to Reed.  
The story is solid and a little YA for my liking. I wasn’t connecting with Kate at all. She seemed to be too wishy-washy when it came to Kyle and the decisions she had to make.  She made them a bigger deal than they needed to be. The book is a bit of a cliffhanger and I do want to see how this story is going to play out-especially with Reed.  




But It Now


Wild Sparks Covers Re-release Reveal

Wild Sparks Covers Re-release Reveal

Chasing the Wild Sparks

by Ren Alexander

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What would you do if the love of your life doesn’t want the same life you do?
Hadley Beckett has failed in not only her career, but as a daughter, friend, and girlfriend.

Hadley’s longtime boyfriend, Finn Wilder, who is Richmond, Virginia’s local daredevil and favorite sportscaster, isn’t afraid of anything…except for LASIK surgery, dancing, marriage, and kids—the last two being what Hadley desperately wants with him. Finn leads a very public life; however, he leaves Hadley in the dark about most of it. Despite his public persona, Finn is viciously protective of his private life. Excluding their families, his best friend and Hadley’s friends, nobody knows he has been dating her for three years. Finn loves Hadley and he knows she wants to get married. Nevertheless, he has his own reasons for not wanting to marry her.

Fearing at 33 that she will soon be too old to have kids, Hadley wants Finn to change his mind and marry her, yet her insecurities about his seemingly charismatic personality and his constant rebuffs have her questioning her aspirations. With conflicting advice from her friends, Hadley concludes she should take things into her own hands.
Would he change his mind then?

Finn pressures Hadley into moving in with him, but being traditional, she wants to be married first and she wants to stick to her beliefs, just as he clings to his own. Finn has tolerated Hadley’s stubbornness long enough and he’s reaching his breaking point.

Finn Wilder has his own story to tell.

Daring the Wild Sparks

by Ren Alexander

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In the follow up to “Chasing the Wild Sparks,” Hadley Beckett’s quest for wedded bliss perseveres…

What would you do if the love of your life were closer to making your dreams come true?

Riding high in her relationship with her sportscaster/local daredevil boyfriend, Finn Wilder, Hadley Beckett makes plans concerning her future with Finn. Big plans.

Spending time with Finn at his parents’ house for Easter, Hadley can’t wait to share some of her ideas with him, hoping he will go along. She knows she has an uphill climb ahead of her, but she’s optimistic that after what they recently went through, Finn will be receptive to what she has to say.

Infamously anti-marriage, Finn promised Hadley he’d consider taking her to the altar if she gives him more time. Diving headfirst and with encouragement from her best friend Morgan, Hadley devises a backup plan if Finn can’t make a decision soon. However, her other close friend, Rod, disagrees with Morgan’s advice, partly to just oppose her in spite, but also having actual valid points of his own. Feeling conflicted, Hadley takes both of their suggestions and blends them together, formulating her own way to handle Finn.

On the other hand, unbeknownst to Hadley, Finn has plans of his own as well.

Hadley is determined to succeed, yet is she unwittingly destined to fail?

About the Author

Ren Alexander was born in Wheeling, West Virginia, but grew up in a nearby tiny, historical, college town in the Northern Panhandle of the state. She graduated from West Liberty University, where she received a B.S. in criminal justice. Although interested in that field, her true passion was reading and writing.

She currently lives in Detroit, Michigan with her husband, two daughters and two cats.

“Chasing the Wild Sparks” is Ren’s first novel.

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Unexpected Consequences by Sloan Johnson Cover Reveal


Unexpected Consequences

Isthmus Alliance Book Three

By: Sloan Johnson

Releasing March 19th, 2014

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Zeke Reed lives his life by his rules, the biggest one being that he refuses to settle down. Through the years, it has become a running joke amongst his circle of friends that his condo would be well served by the installation of a revolving door.

That’s what makes his friendship with Mary and Jeff work. All three of them are looking for some no-strings-attached fun. Until fate steps in, making them all take a look at what’s been developing while they’ve been busy fooling around.

Unfortunately, every decision in life has consequences. When you choose to openly share your life with more than one person, things get complicated. Will Zeke, Jeff and Mary be able to stand together as the world tries to pull them apart?

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Goodreads Link:


Link to Follow Tour:


Author Info

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Sloan is a Midwestern mom who began writing nearly seven years ago as a way to make money while staying home with her daughter. Now, with two kids in tow and having written more articles on how to assemble various pieces of furniture than she can count, she is reaching to make her dreams come true.

Author Links



“It’s not that I was trying to hide it from you. I just… it’s a part of me that I’ve worked hard to bury for a long time.” Right about now, I’m really wishing I had listened to Dylan and pulled down the Johnnie Walker. I’m irritated that I’ve driven this wedge between us. Dylan has been there for me since college. He pushed aside his aspirations to help me start the promotions company when he could have easily been hired on with any fancy corporation and raced his way up the ladder.

Dylan’s feet drop to the floor as he leans over the desk. “But why? If you’ve been burying it, that means this wasn’t a surprise to you. Why wouldn’t you tell me what was going on in that thick skull of yours? Some of the shit we’ve been through together, I can’t think of a single fucking thing I would keep a secret from you.”

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, D,” I groan, tilting my head back against my chair.  “I just… if I told you, I’d have to tell Tommy. And if he knew, everyone would know and I’m not ready for that. Maybe someday I’ll have someone in my life and I’ll have to tell them, but until then, I don’t see a reason for my family to know.”

“Seriously? Do you really think Tommy would run to your mom? And even if he did, I think you’re imagining a worse reaction than they’ll have. You have the type of family most people would kill to have.” He reaches across the desk, slapping me across the back of my head. The cockeyed grin on his face lets me know that while he might be upset with me for keeping this secret, he’s not angry and this won’t be the death of our friendship.

“You’ve met my family. What do you think they’re going to say when they learn that I like dick?” For as accepting as the Reed family can be about a lot of things, that acceptance doesn’t extend to one of their own having bisexual tendencies. They’d run with the fact that I am attracted to women and ask why I can’t be happy finding a good woman to settle down with. Until Mary, there wasn’t a woman I would have considered such a move for. With Mary, I feel as if we’d be incomplete without Jeff.

“Fair enough. But I’m not them and I highly doubt Tommy would say anything. After all, he knows them just as well as you do and I don’t see him throwing you under a bus.” I get what he’s saying, but it’s too late to change it.

“You could have told me.” If I’m not mistaken, Dylan sounds more hurt than angry. That shouldn’t surprise me, but it does. It wasn’t until recently that the man showed any sort of emotion. “You should have told me, man. You and me, we’re closer than I am with my own brother. I just…”


Tyler & Stella (Tattoo Thief #2) Release & Giveaway

Tyler & Stella

(Tattoo Thief #2)

by: : Heidi Joy Tretheway



Stella Ramsey always says bad boys can’t break your heart. They don’t call, don’t cuddle and don’t send flowers—but what do you expect? For Stella, no strings means no regrets.


When the biggest story of her fledgling music journalism career nearly ruins her relationship with her best friend, Stella has one chance to redeem herself. Tyler Walsh could be that chance.


Stella promises the bassist for the rock band Tattoo Thief anything in exchange for behind-the-scenes access. But Tyler doesn’t want anything. He wants everything—and that’s more than Stella is prepared to give.


When Tyler’s explosive secret thrusts Stella into the media spotlight, she must choose between the selling the story and telling the truth—and exposing the truth about herself as well.


Tyler & Stella (Tattoo Thief #2) is a sizzling story of lust, lies, and sacrifice, revealing how much love can forgive. Visit for a sample chapter.


Note: Tyler & Stella is recommended for mature readers because it contains steamy love scenes and feisty characters who use strong language.


Series note:

Tyler & Stella is a standalone novel, part of the Tattoo Thief rock band series, which features a love story on each member of the band. In Tattoo Thief #1, we met lead singer Gavin from Beryl’s perspective. Supporting characters included Beryl’s best friend Stella Ramsey, and Tattoo Thief’s bassist, Tyler Walsh. Tyler & Stella picks up from a final chapter of Tattoo Thief and continues the saga of the band through Stella’s eyes.

About the Author


Heidi Joy lives in Happy Valley off Sunnyside Road. She swears she did not make that up.

Heidi’s career includes marketing, journalism, and a few delicious years as a food columnist. Media passes took her backstage with several rock bands, where she learned that sometimes a wardrobe malfunction is exactly what the rock star intends.

You’ll most often find Heidi Joy with her husband and two small kids fishing, clamming, exploring the Northwest and building epic forts in their living room.


Find Heidi here (website & FB are the preferred links to promote):

Just for fun quiz: Which member of the band Tattoo Thief is your book boyfriend?


Get two special gifts from Tyler & Stella’s story—a vintage Manhattan map cuff bracelet that’s just Stella’s style, and (winner’s choice) a book bag or T-shirt in your size featuring Stella’s tattoo. The bracelet was created by an Etsy artist and the tattoo design was commissioned by the author especially for this book tour. Together with a special surprise from the author, this prize package is valued at $110. Contest is open internationally

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tyler and Stella (Tattoo Thief 2 Review)

Tyler and Stella Review

(Tattoo Thief 2 )

by Heidi Joy Tretheway


5 smooches


Synopsis (taken from Amazon)

Stella Ramsey always says bad boys can’t break your heart. They don’t call, don’t cuddle and don’t send flowers–but what do you expect? No strings means no regrets.

When the biggest story of her fledgling music journalism career nearly ruins her relationship with her best friend, Stella has one chance to redeem herself. She promises the bassist for the rock band Tattoo Thief anything in exchange for behind-the-scenes access. But Tyler doesn’t want anything. He wants everything–and that’s more than Stella is prepared to give.

When Tyler’s explosive secret thrusts Stella into the media spotlight, she must choose between selling the story and telling the truth–and exposing the truth about herself.

Tyler & Stella is a sizzling story of lust, lies, and sacrifice, revealing how much love can forgive.

This book is recommended for mature readers–it contains steamy romance and feisty characters who use strong language.

My Review

Tyler and Stella is the follow up novel to Tattoo Thief. Although this is the second novel in the series it can be read as a standalone.  I really enjoyed the first book but I have to say that Tyler and Stella is even better. So many times second books in series do not live up the initial book, this is not one of those times! I sat down to read just a few chapters, then get some cleaning done around the house, next thing I knew it was several hours later and I had a finished book and a messy house. I could not put this book down!

This book starts with Stella’s betrayal of her best friend Beryl(girlfriend of  Tattoo Thief lead singer Gavin) At a band gathering that Gavin has invited Stella to (in order to beg Beryl’s forgiveness) Stella meets lead guitarist Tyler. She is instantly attracted to him and he her but he is nothing but a gentleman to her and even offers to help her out with a story.


Stella is a music reporter for the Indie Daily News and is stuck reporting on no name bands. So when she shes an opportunity to exploit her best friend and get a good byline she takes it! When this book begins (and sometimes throughout) I didn’t like Stella much as a person. As a character I thought she was unique and different! Too often women in these books are portrayed as the “good ones” who make the right choices and the guys screw up! This book was different in the sense that both make some bad choices but it is Stella who you just want to yell at!

Now, during this book I do grow to love Stella more and more, but it is really about how much I grew to love Tyler and Stella together that makes this book special. I don’t have to love the person Stella to love how right she is for Tyler.


Tyler is definitely a swoon-worthy book boyfriend. When we meet Tyler is  coming to the rescue, making a tough moment light, and helping out Stella get some inside info into the band for an interview. He can be the sweetest man you have ever met but also a bit manipulative. He doesn’t always make the best decisions and at times you want to scream at him but page in and page out you love him.  The two of them have some serious relationship drama in their past that holds both of them back from falling full force, even though as the reader you can see from the first moment that they are meant to be with one another.

This book was not short on fun happy moments or on drama. The twist and turns kept me from being able to put the book down but it was the sweetness of them as a couple that kept me from caring if anything else got done that day!


Heidi Joy Tretheway wrote a great book that was easy to read, funny, sexy, and with a awesome story to boot. I am a sucker for a rock star romance and this book did not let me down! Now I just have to pas the time until I can get book 3!



Caught Up In Us and Pretending He’s Mine New Cover Reveal

We are so excited to bring to you Lauren Blakely’s new covers for CAUGHT UP IN US and PRETENDING HE’S MINE today! Lauren gave us a special message to share with you about why the covers are changing.

Up in Us and Pretending He’s Mine are my first two books, and
while I have great affection for the original covers and the way


readers responded to those two romances, I wanted the covers to better
match the look of the rest of my books. I began working with the Sarah
Hansen at Okay Creations starting with Trophy Husband and she went on
to also design Playing With Her Heart’s cover as well as my No Regrets
series. I love the work she did on those books, and while she was busy
creating the cover for my next novel, Night After Night (releasing in
May!), I asked Helen Williams at All Booked Out to do a cover makeover
for Caught Up in Us and Pretending He’s Mine so that those could match
Playing With Her Heart’s look. Helen does amazing work and has done
many graphics for me and other book covers, so I knew she would be
able to do a brilliant redo — she also redid the covers in only one
weekend!! It was a fast turnaround and I am thrilled with the new
looks, and especially how well all the books play together now. And to
celebrate the redesign as well as the one-year anniversary of
Pretending He’s Mine this month, I will be offering Pretending He’s
Mine for free on iBooks starting today and through the weekend! (It’s
possible Amazon might price match the free offering, but I can’t
guarantee what Amazon will do so if you want to read it for free, snag
it on iBooks!)
Aren’t they gorgeous? See below for individual pictures of each new cover and all of the information on each, as well as where you can find Lauren and stalk-we mean follow-her!
A New York Times and USA Today
A second
chance at first love…
Five years ago, Kat Harper
fell into a dizzying summer romance with her brother’s best friend Bryan. It
was a mad, crazy love full of kisses all through the night — but he broke her
heart and she had to move on. Five years later, Kat is finishing her graduate
degree and building her business as a jewelry designer, when Bryan, head of his
own successful company, walks back into her life. Bryan has been assigned to
Kat as her new business mentor and the rules are clear. No hanky panky
permitted. Kat can handle that because she’s totally over him… right? Except,
he still makes her laugh, and he remembers all the things she likes. Not to
mention that he’s even more handsome now than he was then. Then there’s the
spark between them — the simply undeniable chemistry, and the tender ways he
shows he still cares for her. Can they resist each other the second time around
or will first love trump all? 
for 17+ due to sexual content.
Caught Up In
Us is the first book in the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Caught Up
In Love series, that includes Pretending He’s Mine, Playing With Her Heart and
Trophy Husband. (While each book can be read as a standalone, you’ll likely
enjoy the other books too.)




Amazon UK:


iBooks: or

“The one
you like best. That’s my favorite position. My favorite thing is making you
feel good.” 

Reeve Larkin needs a job. Sure, the actor is talented and gorgeous in that
dreamy, broody sort of way that makes all the women swoon. But he lost out on a
part in a big movie, and now his day job hours have been slashed too.
What’s a handsome young thing in need of a role to do? Sign up to be the
fake fiancé of the sexy and shrewd casting director Sutton Brenner,
who must appear temporarily attached if she’s to land a coveted gig casting a
red-hot film. So Sutton strikes a pact with Reeve to play the role of her
fiance until she closes the deal. The trouble is – she’s sexy-as-hell and damn
near irresistible to him. And he’s not only a great guy, but also the best
dirty talker she’s ever met. It doesn’t take long for their pretend love affair
to heat up, especially after that toe-curling night in the balcony of the
Broadway theater. And that scorching afternoon in the stacks of the New York
Public Library. 
A red-hot
love affair. An intense connection.
 But as the lines between make-believe
and matters of the heart blur, can two people working in the world of acting
fake it til they make it?
for 17+ due to sexual content.

Pretending He’s Mine is a novella in the New York Times and USA Today
bestselling Caught Up In Love
 series, that includes Caught Up in Us,
Playing With Her Heart and Trophy Husband. (While each book can be read as a
standalone, you’ll likely enjoy the other books too.)

Lauren Blakely:
Lauren Blakely writes sexy contemporary romance
novels with heat, heart, and humor, and her books have appeared on the New York
Times, USA Today, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iBooks bestseller lists. Like
the heroine in FAR TOO TEMPTING, she thinks life should be filled with family,
laughter, and the kind of love that love songs promise. Lauren lives in
California with her husband, children, and dogs. Her novels include Caught
Up In Us
Pretending He’s MinePlaying With Her Heart,
and Trophy Husband. She also writes for young adults under the name
Daisy Whitney.


Next to Forever by S. Moose Review


4 Smooches!

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Next to Forever is the final book in the Never Letting Go series.

The past will always come back to haunt you and hidden truths are uncovered, as darkness looms over the lives of Erin and Connor on their journey to forever.

Filled with love and happiness, as well as a baby and a wedding on the way, Erin and Connor seem to have it all -until life throws them a twist.

As tragedy strikes, Erin and Connor have to make one of the toughest decisions in their lives.

Will they have their happily ever after or will they have to say goodbye forever?


An emotional, tense and wonderful read about two people who’s love for each other comes off the pages and feels so real you can’t help but want the happily ever after these couples deserve.

Having not read the previous two books in this series I wasn’t sure what to expect but after hearing such great things I couldn’t wait to get started.

After the first few pages I could already tell how much Erin and Connor loved each other, it may seem unrealistic to some readers but to me it was nice to escape into a story where soul mates truly exist.

Their story starts and pretty quickly there is drama happening, then even more so, and then half way through the book I couldn’t stop turning the pages and feeling so tense wondering what was going to happen and praying everything would work out.

It is definitely an intense read with so much happening, it feels as though these characters will never stop going through so much.

Erin and Connor and Sophie and Adam were great characters. So full of love for each other and it truly felt like I was reading about such a close and devoted family. Even though this story focuses on Erin’s and Connor’s love story I enjoyed reading about Sophie and Connor as well and having them along for the emotional filled ride.

There was some repetitiveness within the story when it came to them talking about how they loved each other and wouldn’t leave and how Connor was constantly worrying. I understand why this was but felt like it didn’t need to be touched upon as much as it was.

The same with the sex scenes, with there not being enough diversity but that may just be me as I read a lot of erotica where the sex is obviously a lot more diverse. With this book they were definitely hot but I also have read better in other books. This didn’t detract from the story though and I still found this a thoroughly enjoyable read.

This was a beautiful love story with an intense story line that kept hold of me till the end. A beautiful epilogue to finish off was the perfect ending as well, especially after all the drama and hard times the characters went through.


But it now!

Consequence of Deception by Ella Fox Book Blitz

Consequence of Deception

by Ella Fox

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Once upon a time, girl met boy and a love story began.

Their future was assured until tragedy struck and deceptions were made.

There are consequences to every action, and the Consequences of Deception are always the most punishing.

Sloane Evans lost nearly everyone that she’s ever loved, but losing Killian Brandt left a scar that never healed.

Four and a half years after turning his back on her, Killian steps back into Sloane’s life in the most shocking of ways, giving her no choice but to abandon her life and go with him.

Why would a man buy a woman that he hates?

Not everything is as it appears.

Love is beautiful, revenge is ugly, and lies destroy lives.

Prepare to discover the Consequences of Deception.

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Ella Fox on Goodreads

About The Author 

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When she’s not writing, Ella indulges the gypsy in her blood and travels the country. Ella loves reading, movies, music, buying make-up, reading Tmz, Twitter and pedicures… not necessarily in that order. She has a wild sense of humor and loves to laugh. Her favorite thing in the world is hanging out with her family and watching comedy movies.

Strong athletic man on black background

Consequences of Deception at Barnes and Noble

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Love, Lies and the D.A. Book Blitz


Love, Lies and the D.A.

by. Rebecca Rohman



Jada McLean is about to get married in nine days, when she walks in on her fiance in a little more than a compromising position. Days later, she’s on a trip that she intends to be relaxing and a prelude to her fresh start, when she runs into the rude, obnoxious, but gorgeous Jonathan Kole.

Jonathan Kole is San Francisco’s newest District Attorney. When he finds himself deeply attracted to a stunning beauty, he has no idea that she’s about to get into BIG trouble with the law—and he’ll be the one presiding over her trial. To make matters worse, his father is the lawyer representing her in the high-profile case.

When a series of events force them together over New Year’s weekend, Jonathan’s feelings and ethics will come into question, while Jada comes to terms with the fact that she is falling for the man that will be responsible for attempting to put her behind bars… Little do they know, they’re both about to fall into a whirlwind so deep, it will send both their lives spiraling out of control.


Love, Lies & The D.A. Teaser 7

Author Bio

Rebecca Rohman, is a wife and designer currently living in the Northeastern United States. She was a former Sales Manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she first did Marketing for a jewelry company, and later a fine wine distributor.

About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel, Uncorked just to purely entertain herself. It was not until early in 2012 when she decided to complete it, and share it with the world. The story was published in February of 2013. Her second novel Love, Lies & The D.A. will be released on Tuesday, February 18, 2014.

Broken by K. Webster Review


by K. Webster


5 smooches


Broken is the debut novel by K.Webster and it is HOT! From the moment I started this book I did not want to put it down. The characters of Andi and Jackson are so deliriously sexy you can’t help but to root for them the whole way through! This book is full of fun, drama and super steamy!

This book is about how two people who are distancing themselves from even the remote possibility of love can change if the right person comes along!

Meet Andi


Andi is young and beautiful but her once sense of hope at a happily ever after has been lost. After she caught her fiance cheating, her whole outlook on love changed. After regaining control of her emotions, Andi decided never to let a man hurt her like that again. Now, Andi plays a game . . . the kind that keeps her heart safe but her needs met. Andi keeps men for one weekend, 3 days, of fun and excitement then she is done. She gets all the fun she wants with no commitment and no disappointment. Then Jackson happened . . .


Jackson is rich. successful, handsome and oozes sex! But, Jackson comes with his own personal relationship drama that has left him scared too. When he hears Andi offering her game up to a stranger in a bar he decided to play along. He is completely down for a weekend of fun with no emotional attachment at the end. The weekend started out super hot right from the start in the club office . . .

But it does not take long into their 3 days for you to be able to tell that what they are feeling is more than sex. When the weekend ends and they part ways you desperately want more for them. When life throws them back together can they get past their past baggage and work on their present?

This whole book had me enthralled. I loved watching these two characters develop both individually and together. The flashbacks from their darker days really helped shape the characters for me and gave me great insight into why they handled things the way that they did. I though that K. Webster did a phenomenal job at producing a strong debut and I cannot wait for the other two books in this series!