Kismet by A.E. Woodward Blog Tour and Giveaway






It’s LIVE!! The much anticipated release by A.E. Woodward is available now!

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Katie’s world came crashing down in an instant.

Her husband, daughter, and unborn baby. . . all gone in a flash. The life that she’d come to know, gone before she ever really got to live it.

With a broken heart, she deals the only way she knows how, by shutting it all off. No communicating, no feelings, just pure nothingness.

Alone with nothing but her own thoughts and a well meaning family, she moves back to her childhood home, a horse farm. It’s there that she finds herself healing along with the horses her family rehabilitates. But when Parker McKenzie comes back into her life she’s reminded of all that went wrong, and all that she lost.

Will Katie ever begin to heal? Or will her secrets and loss be too much for her to overcome?

Perhaps, this is her kismet.

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Hearing murmurs coming from a corner of the room, I begin to stir. My eyelids are heavy, more than likely from all the drugs. All I ever do is sleep so I couldn’t possibly be tired. In fact, I should be rested, but I’m not, for my sleep is never really restful. One horrifically painful memory, playing over and over again while I sleep, isn’t exactly my idea of a good night’s rest.

The more awake I become, the more my curiosity grows, and the faster my heart begins to beat. The anxiety is slowly creeping in again. I do my best to control it, but instead I find myself taking quick shallow breaths. The feeling is all too familiar. I know myself well enough to know that I need to calm down. I’d done it before. In fact, at one point of my life, I’d been a professional at controlling my anxiety, and I know all the strategies to get myself under control. But those strategies I learned so long ago don’t do much for me anymore. In fact, they’re useless…powerless. Just a weak David pitched against an all-too-strong Goliath. The gaping whole in my chest is just too much to overcome.

They were the only things in my life that made sense, and their love for me was the only thing that kept me going. Without it, I wouldn’t know how to go on living. Like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, Michael had put me back together and Zoe had made me whole again, igniting something deep within me that I thought had been lost forever. I feel a tear prick my eyes. If I had known that morning would be the last time I’d hug her, I would have never let go.

Eventually, despite the urge to know what’s going on around me, I stop trying to open my eyes. Lying awake, with my eyes still closed, will have to suffice. I’ve completely lost track of time. No one can talk to me about what happened because straight away I start losing it, and they have to drug me again. The two people who loved me unconditionally, are gone. It’s bad enough that I have to relive it every day and night in my dreams, I don’t need someone talking to me about it in my consciousness.

It’s unbearable to hear about them, and the way they were taken from me. The words cut through my heart, slicing through all my hopes and dreams, and leaving cut up pieces behind. I can’t deal. I won’t deal. So instead, I scream to get them to stop.

Truth is, I already know what happened, all too well in fact. It’s something that I will never forget, no matter how badly I want to. I just don’t want them, or anyone for that matter, talking to me. I don’t want to think about it. To know that I finally got what was coming to me was punishment enough.


Kismet playlist


About A. E. Woodward







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Kismet by A.E. Woodward Review

Kismet by A.E. Woodward


5 smooches


This book is sad, there is no way around that. So many times while reading this I was torn up and put back together. I was an emotional mess the whole time and I loved every minute of it! Get your tissues ready cause this is an emotional roller coaster.

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Kismet is a book about one woman, Katie, and her struggle to find herself after her world comes crashing down on her. When this book begins Katie has just lost her husband, her daughter and her unborn child in a car accident. Even though the accident was not her fault directly she believes all the guilt lies on her and that this is her kismet for the choices she has made.

Katie is in a deep depression and has moved back home to her family’s horse farm. Sad, depressed and mute she has buried herself in her head and cannot see a way out.  Katie’s family is struggling to find even a portion of the old Katie inside the shell they have now.


Parker McKenzie is her brother’s best friend and has always been Katie’s protector . . . until he was the one that hurt her.  Now that Katie is back home he can’t stay away. Helping out around the farm and just trying to be there for her during her recovery from this tragedy.  Parker has always loved Katie, first as a protector, then as a lust filled youth and then as more. But he let his families demons and his own insecurities talk him into letting her go before but now that she is home he won’t let that happen again. There are so many things about Katie and Parker that point to this being all wrong, but together they are just right.

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Now, I am an overly emotional girl and I was scared to read this book since I saw the trailer for it. I knew I would be crying like a baby the whole time. I cried tears of great sadness and tears of great joy over and over again.  This was not a light, easy read for me but it wasn’t a dark and depressing book either. It was a perfect balance of emotional and hopeful. With each emotional breakthrough Katie made I could feel the tears swelling in my eyes.

I am a huge fan of A.E. Woodward’s other books and was nervous because this book is very different than those. I thought the subject matter was going to make it a difficult read and to tell you the truth it was. Now, that being said this is by far my favorite book she has written. It was beautiful, meaningful and told a story unlike any I have read before. I tend to read books with a lighter subject matter and although this book broke me down I would completely recommend it to everyone I know. But, first I need a glass of wine! 😉


Buy It Now

Night Owl by M. Pierce Review


5 smooches!

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At twenty-eight, Matt Sky has the perfect life. He has a beautiful girlfriend, a massive inheritance, and four national bestsellers — all penned under his airtight alias, M. Pierce.

At twenty-seven, Hannah Catalano is a train wreck. Her boyfriend is a deadbeat and her job is abysmal.

Matt and Hannah meet online as writing partners. Their relationship is safe, anonymous, and innocent…

Until Matt sees a picture of Hannah. Hannah’s picture sparks an attraction Matt is powerless to ignore. When circumstance brings Matt and Hannah together, the strangers begin a love story that’s passionate, poignant, unforgettable, and unstoppable.



Ahh!  I am really trying to think of where to begin.  I read this book months and months ago.  It just really stayed with me and left me with the worst book hangover EVER!  It is rare that I am left speechless.  In this case , it mostly because I have so much to say.  Let us start with Matt, shall we?  He was my favorite, after all.

I love Matt Sky.  No, seriously, I LOVE him.  He is the ultimate book boyfriend.  He is damaged, and real, and gritty, and he talks dirty, and he is simply magnificent!  His neediness, social awkwardness, and filthy mouth make for a heady combination.  He just felt so real to me.  I am seriously freaking myself out with my obsession for him, but no other book boyfriend compares!  How can he be so much a little boy and an alpha dominant at the same time?  It just melts my heart.  Sighs.  M. Pierce, you wrote Matt beautifully.  I talk up Matt all the time and my fellow blogger, Nicole, says one day “You found him.”  LOL!  She is right.  I found my most favorite book boyfriend ever.  Lets not skip over Hannah, though, because she makes Matt who he is and I almost love her with as much fervor.  I have read other blogs describe Hannah as submissive and what not.  Not true!  Hannah is a bad ass, goes for what she wants, dirty girl.  I totally dig it.  She doesn’t put up with Matt’s shit.  She is strong and stable in the wake of Matt’s instability.  She just loves a good spanking and dirty talking too.  Who could blame her, really?  Its HOT!  I could talk about Matt and Hannah’s relationship all day, but I won’t.

My Matt and Hannah!


Night Owl was my absolute favorite book of 2013 and I have read A LOT of books!  M. Pierce’s writing is eloquent and smooth.  It felt like the book was playing on a movie screen in my head. Just beautiful.  The characters are likable, yet flawed.  M, amazing job!  Yes, I go around calling you M to all of my book buddies  like your my bestie or something.  Strange and stalkerish, I know!  M!  If you are a woman, keep that shit to yourself.  In my head, you are a dirty talking, sexy as hell, effed up, man.  And the M stands for Matt!  As in, Matt Sky.  “Faints”  Keep the dream alive, M. Pierce.


Stuck In Between by Blakely Bennett Cover Reveal

Title: Stuck In Between
Author: Blakely Bennett
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: March 24, 2014
Cover Designer: Yocla Designs

Jacqs is a twenty-eight year old woman caught up in an on again, off again relationship with Bond, who is her best friend and the one who causes her the most heartache. She succumbs, yet again, to his powerful charisma, but vows not make it into more than it is, a great night of sex.

Bond, too sexy for his own good, wants Jacqs for himself as he “dates” his way through the female population of South Florida. He selfishly doesn’t see the conflict of interest.

Red, Bond’s best friend, has watched Bond take Jacqs for granted for way too long and soon stakes his own claim on her.

Will Red and Jacqs budding relationship pull apart their tight-knit group of friends and will Jacqs survive being Stuck In Between.

I shook out my hair, put my shoulders back and stood as
straight as possible. I wouldn’t let Red intimidate me. When I strutted over to
him, his expression left me confused. He’d always been so cold, like a granite
statue and yet, I couldn’t read the new side to him.
“Why did you want me to come and what did you mean? Wait …
no … shit, what I really wanted to say was that I appreciate you coming to get
“Let’s go have a drink.”
“A drink?”
“Yes, you could use one.”
“Would you stop doing that?” I said, squinting up at him
through the outside house light that cascaded around him.
“Doing what? I just offered you a drink,” he said, resting
his back against his vehicle and folding his arms in front of him.
“No, you said I needed one. You’re so bossy.”
He laughed and said, “You bring it out in me. I’ll do my
best to temper the urge.”
“You have urges?”
“You don’t want to know,” he said, glaring down at me.
“Oh … I,” I stuttered, my nipples flaring at his intent. I
crossed my arms over my chest as well.
Grabbing my hand, he pulled me along with him into the
house and through the main sitting area. Dreamworld
played through the sound system. Cat gave me a questioning look as Red led me
into the kitchen. I shrugged my shoulders back to her. He opened the refrigerator,
fingered a Mike’s Lemonade and a bottle of Dos Equis, popped the caps and
swooped up my hand again in his large palm, leading me out to the back.
I loved all the palms and the large stone deck around the
Jacuzzi and pool. His two-story home sat on the intracoastal waterway, allowing
him to keep his boat right behind the house.
Two guys I didn’t recognize sat at the wrought iron table
by the pool, smoking cigarettes.
“Hey Ray, Charlie, glad you could make it,” Red said,
pausing but not releasing my hand.
“Thanks for the invite. She’s a tiny one,” one of the guys
said, tilting his head in my direction.
“She makes up for it with a big mouth,” Red said with a
smug expression.
I tried to pull my hand out of his grip, but he held on so
tight I had to use my free hand to punch him in the shoulder. I would have
preferred to punch his jaw but I figured it would hurt me more than him to hit
the sharp edge of his face.
His friends chuckled, leaving me even more incensed.
“And he makes up for his Neanderthal size with his small
personality or at least that’s what he calls it,” I said, purposefully looking
at his pants.
That made his friends fall out in hysterical laughter and
I felt rather proud of myself.
“Come on, you,” he said, dragging me back inside and up
the stairs to his bedroom.
I had never been in there before. So neat and organized,
it could have been a room in an upscale hotel except for the antique furniture
on either side of the fireplace and the art on the walls. A chair sat near the
entrance to the room, a pair of slacks over the back of it.
“What the hell is going on with you Red?” I said as I
finally managed to pull my hand away from his. “You’ve never given me much
notice over the years. How long has it been?”
“Five years.”
“I’ve been putting up with your crap for five years?
Jesus.” I took the lemonade from his hand and took several swallows.
“Take it easy, Jacqs,” he said, closing the door behind
him and leaning back against it.
“Stop telling me what to do, would you?”
“I can’t help myself,” he said with a slight smile.
“Try.” I sat on the edge of the bed, putting plenty of
distance between us.
“I didn’t much care for your joke.”
“Your friends rather liked it and you started it. Don’t
fuck with me and I won’t fuck with you back.”
“Do you have to talk like that? It’s very unattractive.”
“What the fuck … shit …um heck do you want from me?” I
drank more to boost my courage.
“I’m warning you, Jacqs.”
“Warning me? From what? What will you do?”
“Don’t push me.”
“I push your buttons without even trying.”
“I’m well aware of that.”
“Are you going to answer me?” I asked. “Because, if not,
I’ll just head home.” I stood, finished off my drink and took a step toward the
door that he blocked with his massive frame.
He crossed the distance between us, swiped the drink out
of my hand, placing both bottles on the corner of his dresser. Before I had a
chance to fight or protest he lifted me under my arms, off my feet, and placed
my back against the wall. He groaned as if it pained him and then he descended
on my mouth with his.
I tried to push him off me, but he remained hard as steel
and I finally gave over to the incredible sensations he stirred within me. I
took his large face in my little hands and that caused him to groan in
pleasure, deepening the kiss. As I wrapped my legs around his bulky frame, he
held me closer and carried me over to the antique chair by the door. He sat
down with me on his lap, and we just stared at each other for a moment.
Afraid of breaking the spell that I knew would end once
reality set in, I sat, waiting. He ran his hands up my neck, followed by his
mouth, kissing and nibbling. Chills fluttered down my spine and I moaned, “Oh,
Red.” Wetness pooled in my panties and I wanted him to take me. I wanted to
know what his cock looked like, tasted like. I didn’t care if we ever spoke
again afterwards, or if my motivations stemmed from getting back at Bond. Red
had sparked an intense need that required fulfillment and I wanted him to take
Running my hands through his short cropped red hair, I
pulled his mouth back to mine and he took control. Clutching my wrists, he held
them with one hand behind my back, and bit his way down my chest. He unbuttoned
the rest of my blouse, pushing the silk down off my shoulders, exposing my
breast and hard nipples to the air.
“No bra? You’re naughtier than I imagined.”
“You’ve thought about me?”
“Incessantly. Keep your arms behind you,” he said as ran
his hands under my breasts and lowered his mouth. “I had no idea.”
“For such a tiny woman, you have rather large nipples.”
I scrunched my face, not sure if he liked what he saw.
“No need for the funny face, I love them.” He sucked on my
right nipple and I closed my eyes in pleasure. His big hands kneaded my flesh
and pulled on my left nipple.
“Ohhhh,” I called out, arching into his caresses.
“Shhhh,” he said, “I think I heard something.”
“Don’t stop,” I pleaded.
“Stay the night.”
“That’ll go over well with Bond, for sure.”
“Did you have to mention him?”
The bubble had burst and in my embarrassment, I scurried
off his lap and buttoned up my shirt. I glanced in the mirror on the dresser
and smoothed out my hair.
He pushed into me
from behind, grasping my breast over my shirt. He nipped my earlobe and said,
“I’m not done with you, but I need to check on the party below.” He clutched
the nape of my neck, turning my head toward him and kissing me one last time.
“I’ll see you downstairs.”


Blakely Bennett grew up in Southeast Florida and has been residing in the great Northwest for over eight years. She graduated from Nova Southeastern University with a degree in psychology, which accounts for her particular interest in crafting the personalities, struggles, and motivations of her characters. She is an avid reader of many genres of fiction, but especially erotica and romance. Writing has always been her bliss. She is attracted to stories of self-struggle and ultimate recovery.


Blakely is married to a wonderful, loving and supportive husband, also a writer, who helps to keep her grounded. She is a mother, a communitarian, a lover of music (always on while she is writing—thank you, Pandora), and a good friend. An advocate of love and female empowerment, she is a facilitator for a women’s group. She loves to walk and hike for exercise and finds that, since moving to Seattle, WA, she is now one of those “crazy” people who walk in the rain.
Stuck In Between (erotic romance) is her 5th novel. She is also the author of the dark erotic suspense, My Body Trilogy (My Body-His, My Body-His (Marcello) & My Body-Mine) and co-authored the contemporary romance, The Demarcation of Jack with her husband, Dana Bennett.

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Beast Teaser Giveaway

The Beast by Jaden Wilkes

March 2014

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Once we get 288 shares of this teaser from our facebook page we will pick a winner from the Rafflecopter Giveaway. Go to our Facebook page Red Cheeks Reads and share the teaser pinned to the top. You can share on your timeline, in a group, on your blog, even on a friends timeline!

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One Week in Maine by Shayna Ryan Review

One Week In Maine by Shayna Ryan Review

download (7)

3 1/2 Smooches



Taken from Amazon

City girl Calista Coffman can’t believe her misfortune when she hits a deer in rural Maine on the way to a friend’s wedding. With her vehicle needing time-consuming repairs, she’s stuck in small town Maine for the week with nothing but the local hicks to keep her company. At least there’s the super sexy game warden that came to her aid on the side of the road to keep her entertained.

Will Holbrook’s given up on love after suffering a terrible loss in his past. But he can’t deny his attraction to the independent beauty that ends up stuck in his town, even if she’s a ‘flatlander’.

It’s supposed to be just casual, no strings attached, but even the best laid plans can fail…
A stand-alone novel at over 60k words for mature audiences only due to sexual situations.

My Review

One week in Maine was a fun, steamy and easy read. At 227 pages, it is a quick read and flows nicely. The book take place in a small town in Maine that values personal relationships over material things. When city girl Calista gets stuck in the town for a week, after wrecking her car, the locals do not know what to make of this city girl. But one local, game warden Will, likes her just fine.


Calista is a city girl from Hartford, Ct who is driving through Maine on her way to a wedding. When she hits a deer and gets stuck in this small town, she is not happy about it at all. Calista likes to live the fast paced life the city brings. She knows that this small town life is not for her.


WIll is the local game warden in the small town in Maine. He loves his job, his town, and the community of people he surrounds himself with. Will is kind and helpful and always there for those he cares about. But will has secrets in his past that can make it hard for him to open up to the idea of caring for a woman.

From the very first time these two meet you can feel the chemistry between them. The majority of this book takes place over a very short period of time so their relationship developed very quickly.  It did not take long from their first meeting for him to be sneaking under the dinner table to bite her thigh (I LOVED that part.)

There were several things about this book that I very much enjoyed. I really liked how the man, Will, in this book is the one who is lovable from the beginning and the girl, Calista, has to win you over. So many times in books nowadays it is the bad guy becoming sweeter to get with the girl so it’s nice to see a girl with a bit of a bite to her.

This book is not lacking in hotness! These two are definitely well matched sexually. I love how they are not afraid to have their fun no matter where they are because they cannot wait a moment longer.

That being said and knowing that I did enjoy this book there were a few things I think could have been improved on. The dialogue sometimes felt a bit forced and didn’t flow as smoothly as I would have liked. This was not distracting to the overall story just something worth mentioning.

Although this book is not lacking in sex I often felt that the sex was geared towards only Will and as a woman I would have liked to have seen a bit more reciprocation. Though the sex scenes were hot and steamy sometimes they did feel rushed and I would have liked them to have been drawn out a bit more.

My overall thoughts on this book are that it was an easy fun and romantic read that will keep you interested till the end.


Heaven Sent by Hilary Storm Cover Re-Reveal

Heaven Sent Cover Re-Reveal






Cover Model: Colin Wayne
Photographer: Furious Fotog
Cover Designer:  Bookfabulous Designs


The Rebel Walking Series continues
with Taron and Ivy’s story, Heaven Sent. The explosive chemistry that these two
share ignites a relationship of epic proportions.
He has been dubbed ‘the panty stealer’, but Taron Walker has his eyes set on
the beautiful, full of life, Ivy Adams. Ivy doesn’t usually put up with the
player type, yet there is something about Taron that has her intrigued. Taron
must leave to go on tour with Rebel Walking and Ivy will be left to face
serious struggles on her own. Will she reach out to Taron for help, or will she
push him away?  Can these two
find happiness in each other’s arms, or will they tear each other’s world apart?
Buy Links
About the Author
Hilary Storm lives with her high school sweetheart and
three children in Enid, Oklahoma. She drives her husband crazy talking about
book characters everyday like they are real people. She graduated from
Southwestern Oklahoma State University with an MBA in Accounting and has a full
time job as an accountant. Her passions include being a mom, writing, reading,
photography, music, mocha coffee, and spending time with friends and family.
She is the author of the International Best Selling ‘Rebel Walking’ series.
Book one: ‘In a Heartbeat’ was released June 2013, Book two: ‘Heaven Sent’ was
released in September 2013. Book 2.5: ‘Banded Together’ released Jan 2014.


Twitter: @hilary_storm


Hosted by:


In a Heartbeat Cover Re-Reveal!

In a Heartbeat Cover Re-Reveal



Cover Model: Colin Wayne
Photographer: FuriousFotog:
Cover Designer: Bookfabulous Designs
Eaven Bennett is a college student with a
passion for photography. She has high hopes of completing college and starting
a new life as she moves away from her hometown with her best friend, Ivy Adams.
Her last boyfriend ruined any chance of her trusting ever again.
Talon Walker is the dark and intriguing drummer for the up and coming
band ‘Rebel Walking’. A tragedy in his past has left him empty with no desire
for a relationship. That is until he meets Eaven. 
One minute your heart is filled with love, the next your entire li
comes crashing down. Everything can change in a heartbeat. Can Eaven and Talon
overcome the obstacles in their way and find love?
Buy Links
About the Author
Hilary Storm lives with her high school sweetheart and
three children in Enid, Oklahoma. She drives her husband crazy talking about
book characters everyday like they are real people. She graduated from
Southwestern Oklahoma State University with an MBA in Accounting and has a full
time job as an accountant. Her passions include being a mom, writing, reading,
photography, music, mocha coffee, and spending time with friends and family.
She is the author of the International Best Selling ‘Rebel Walking’ series.
Book one: ‘In a Heartbeat’ was released June 2013, Book two: ‘Heaven Sent’ was
released in September 2013. Book 2.5: ‘Banded Together’ released Jan 2014.


Twitter: @hilary_storm
Hosted by:

Flame by Brooke Cumberland Release Blitz



flame cover

Title: Flame (Spark #3)

Author: Brooke Cumberland

Genre: Erotic Romance

Release Date: February 3, 2014

Hosted by: Between the Sheets Promotions




Carissa Wright doesn’t do relationships.

Raised with a junkie mother and an alcoholic father, building relationships were far off her list. Rather, one night-stands were her usual.

Carissa has one constant in her life—her best friend Velaney. Completely opposite of each other, yet they balance each other out.

Although Carissa admits to only wanting sex and nothing more, will she allow the one guy who wants to break down her walls or will she run out of fear for finally letting her guard down?

She is unfamiliar with these feelings and wants nothing more than to walk away without a shattered heart. Will she be able to find the courage in order to turn her flame into a long lasting relationship?

With walls built up & emotions turned off, can she learn to put her heart on the line?

Or will each guy just be another flame?

FLAME is a companion novel in the Spark series, but can be read as a stand alone…
**An erotic romance—Mature audiences only 18+**


Buy The Book



Flame 2


About The Author


Brooke Cumberland is a stay-at-home mom who writes full-time. She lives in the frozen tundra of Packer Nation. She’s the author of The Riverside Trilogy and The Spark Series. You can find Brooke on Facebook, Twitter, and on her website.






Twitter @blcumberland


spark series









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Blood Mate By Kitty Thomas Review


5 Smooches

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Blood Mate, a dark fairy tale…

Nicole has been happily married to big shot attorney, Dominic Rose for ten years, but soon after their anniversary he grows cold—as if she doesn’t exist. Meanwhile, another man has been pursuing her far too intently for comfort.

August Corinth is a six-hundred-year-old vampire, cursed to kill and suffer the pain of his victims each night until he can find the one woman who can resist his thrall, his blood mate. Once he’s found her, there are no lines he won’t cross to claim the promised salvation even if it means taking away everything and everyone she loves.


This is my fourth Kitty Thomas book, so I like to think of myself as Kitty Connoisseur!  Hehe! See how I did that?  I really love her writing style, but I do not think there has ever been a book that she has written, that I didn’t feel pissed off about at the end.  I must be a glutton for punishment, because I always go back for more.  It is because her books are excellent. Homegirl can write her butt off.  Her books are always crazy as all get out and sexy as hell.  I just cannot resist.  Blood Mate is no exception!

Blood Mate, for me at least, was actually one of Kitty’s more tame books, but I still completely loved it.  I found myself rooting for August from the very beginning of this book.  I wanted Nicole to ditch the hubby and make my vampire happy!  I am not sure if I loved August because he deserved it or if I am just a vampire loving book ho.  Obviously Nicole isn’t, because she did not make things easy on my August, which led to a series of events, I cannot even begin to explain.  I am still not sure if Nicole is crazy and if this was all just a delusion.  Things just got cray cray and in true Kitty Thomas fashion I was all like…

I love this book!  As usual, Kitty’s writing was impeccable and her story telling was amazeballs! But, DAMN YOU, KITTY, DAMN YOU!  That ending just pissed me off, as usual.  The whole book was a complete mind fuck.  How can I love you and hate you so much?  So, when is the next book out?  😉  5 Smooches!
