Charlotte’s Bed by S.J. Stava Review


3.5 Smooches

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At thirty, Charlotte is sick of the single life. Sick of online matchmaking, sick of bad first (AND second) dates, and sick of the dreaded “I can’t believe you’re not married yet!” pitying stares. So when her boyfriend proposes – who just happens to be a Dean at the university where she works – she’s thrilled to bid her singledom adieu. At the start of the new semester, she seems to have it all: a great job, great friends, and now. . . a great fiancé.

So what’s the catch? An annoyingly handsome new teaching assistant and the opportunity to direct the school’s fall production. Still can’t see the downside? Neither can Charlotte until suddenly, what she thought she wanted, might not be enough anymore.

How do you choose between the life you’ve always imagined and the love you’ve suddenly discovered?


Charlotte is strong in her career choices but is unsure of what she wants with love. She could have all she has ever dreamed of with a man. But could have an unexpected, fun relationship with her TA. Whom will she choose?
Mason was introduced as a free spirit, Someone that made Charlotte feel young, her age to be exact. While Richard is established and mature in his ways. As I read the book, I was torn, just like Charlotte. I loved how the author incorporated older characters. While so many other books have young adults in their 20s figuring out who they are, S.J wrote characters in their 30s. And with this, brought the struggle in trying to figure out love, for all 3 characters.
 I did love Richard in his own way, but I did not like the way he treated Charlotte. The emotions Charlotte felt for Richard were real, she loved the idea of the man but didn’t always agree with him. Even the simple act of trying to spice up their love life had an ill response from Richard.  He wasn’t a bad guy, just a little old fashioned.
Charlotte’s Bed is a pleasant read. I will be honest, it took me a while to get into the book. But once I got over that bump, I was able to enjoy it. There were times when I found myself wanting to skip ahead to find out what exactly would happen next. 3.5 stars for the debut of S.J. Stava.