From Lies to Promises by Faith S Lynn Review


3 Smooches

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With a past buried and left behind, Katrina changes her last name on a search for a normal life. But what is normal, really?
Three years, two amazing friends, and a new future, she thinks she has finally secured it. That was until Ryder. With him she was able to forget her fears completely, to feel more normal than she ever has.
But when her past comes crashing into her present, will he think her past is all lies, and abandon her like everyone else that she thought loved her did. Or will his promises bring her above the dark that surrounds her life.


I really wanted to love From Lies to Promises and based on its description I was really intrigued. It started out good but for some reason I never really connected with the story or the characters. I felt like it had great potential but was missing something. The heroine Kat has had a traumatic childhood and has some pretty big trust issues. Exactly what happened to her stays a mystery throughout most of the book and I feel like maybe if I knew more about her through flashbacks or something I would have been rooting for her a bit more. Ryder is a good Hero, falling fast for Kat he is super sweet and helps her overcome some of her issues. However there was one thing that he did that really pissed me off and I wouldn’t be as forgiving as Kat was! There were some other aspects to the story that could have used further exploration but just seem to fall by the wayside. At around 150 pages this was a pretty short read and I think some more detail would have really made a big difference.



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