Passionate Addiction by Eden Summers Review


4 Smooches!

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He’s been her ultimate untouchable desire. 

Nothing says happy birthday like a rock god flying thousands of miles to surprise a woman he’s never met. But that’s exactly what happens to Gabi Smith when she gives her long distance best friend a flippant invitation to her laid back girl’s night out. She never expected to turn on the dance floor and find Blake Kennedy’s gaze holding her body captive.

She’s his everything and he’s never laid eyes on her. 

Gabi means more to Blake than life itself. She’s his strength, his savior, and the only person who helped to vanquish his demons. No one means more to him than his angel. So when things between them start to sizzle, he’s ready to fight for the future he never thought he would deserve.

Skeletons from his past will threaten his only chance at love… 

Blake has come a long way—with Gabi’s help—to leave the hell of his youth behind him, but sometimes memories don’t want to stay buried. Determined to stand on his own for once, Blake is willing to stretch the truth to keep his troubles from burdening the woman he adores.

Little white lies can create black holes in any relationship. Only time will tell if an Aussie with a heart of gold will forgive her bad-boy boyfriend or if the deceit will end his passionate addiction.


Have you ever been worried that even though you have changed your life for the better that your world could change just by one mention of your past? Well Blake Williams feels just that. He has gone down a rocky road to break free from his addiction and in the process fell in love with a woman he has never met. Blake and Gabrielle meet in a chat room and so began their love story. Gabrielle Smith lost her brother to drug addiction and helps Blake on his road to sobriety. These two have talked online for 4 years and have of never met in person, until one fine birthday! Reckless Beat is on tour and Blake surprises his Aussie gal. I believe the chemistry of these two had always been there and when physical contact was made, it just intensified it 100xs. But just when these two can’t get enough of one another, they must be separated by Blake’s dream. And to stir the pot even more, an ex rears here nasty head and tries to manipulate her way back into the limelight. The past can find a way to weasel its way back into your present, and for Blake, he could lose everything.

Eden Summers did it again! I could not stop reading until I knew that Gabrielle and Blake would find happiness. Before I knew it the book was over. I could feel the characters emotions, especially Blake’s. He really wanted to handle his issues on his own but he didn’t know really at what price. I personally don’t think that you need to read Blind Attraction prior to Passionate Addiction, just because I felt this story was character specific and could be a standalone. But do read Blind Attraction for sure, Mitch and Alana have an awesome story as well! Writing definitely improved this go ’round and I hope to read more from Eden.
4 smooches for Passionate Addiction
