Stolen Innocence by S.M. Stryker Review


3.5 Smooches

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Haunted by her years of abuse, Parker Dane tries to leave her past behind her to start a new life in a new city. She meets Ian Blake; actually she runs into him multiple times, but always runs away before learning his name. Ian can’t get Parker out of his mind and he doesn’t even know her name.

Ian finally gets his opportunity to meet Parker, and he will do anything in his power to keep her from running away from him again. Parker has years of demons and fears bottled up inside her; she knows that if Ian finds out her secrets, she will lose him forever; no one wants damaged goods. Will Ian make her run away again or will her past catch up to her trying to pull her back.

Will Ian be the man to stand by Parker or will he turn his back on her.


After 5 years of being abused in her own home Parker finally manages to escape when she turns 18 and tries to start a new life for herself. Always wanting but never knowing if she would be able to handle a real relationship and falling in love, she can’t believe if when she literally falls at Ian’s feet and instantly feels something for him. Ian is just as hypnotised by Parker and together these two fall for each other quickly. But will Parker’s abuser catch up with her? Who else is trying to hurt her and can Ian protect and love her like Parker needs him to?

“I want to know what it is like to be in love and be loved. I want more. I want a family of my own, a loving happy family.”

Honestly I was frustrated with this book, it had brilliant potential and the story line was actually really good, with lots of nail biting moments and a brilliant twist that I didn’t see coming at the end but the writing and the immaturity of the characters meant this book didn’t quite reach up to what it could be.

“I feel like a weight is being lifted from my soul. Ian has taken all the pain I have lived with for all those years, obliterating it where it doesn’t have control over me any longer.”

On the surface I really like Parker and Ian. Parker was sometimes mature for her age and was extremely brave considering what she had been through. Ian was protective and kind and thought he was definitely Parker’s knight in shining armour. However it was the insta-love with these two, and how Ian was so oblivious to Parker’s sexual history when really it was quite obvious, meant I couldn’t really develop strong connections to them.

“Parker, if I could give you one thing I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Maybe then, you would realize how incredibly special you are to me.”

The plot was really good. It was dramatic, nail biting, didn’t know where it was going, the twists were brilliant and there was a nice mixture of sweet and intimate scenes, sexy scenes and then a really good dose of drama and suspense. The writing didn’t quite match up to the maturity of the story at times though and again that was another thing that stopped this book reaching its potential.

“Parker, you’re a survivor; you can go on, and you will go on. You are strong. You are a fighter.”

Overall I liked it, I just didn’t love it. It really had potential and I will definitely look out for more from this author in the future.
