Three Blind Dates by Meghan Quinn Review


“Good Morning Malibu, it’s another beautiful day on the west coast! I’m Noely Clark, your host: and I’m in the market for love…”
When the publicity team of the new local restaurant, Going in Blind, began their search for a hot, local celebrity to promote the wildly popular eatery, they couldn’t have found a better person than me.
Outgoing? Check.
Single? Check.
Open to finding love? Check.
I signed up immediately.
A hopeless romantic with an exceedingly demanding schedule, I’ve found it impossible to find the man of my dreams—so Going in Blind seems too good to be true! That’s until they start setting me up on dates—three very different, very attractive, very distinct blind dates—and only one thing is for certain . . .
I’m in big trouble.
Good Morning Malibu,
I’m Noely Clark, and I have a choice to make.
The question is who will I choose; the suit, the rebel, or the jock.
I’m a huge fan of Meghan Quinn’s writing. I love her style, her sense of humor, and she has an uncanny ability to take me by surprise with the emotion she peppers into her romantic comedies. They’re just so funny, and yet suddenly, when I’m least suspecting it, I get walloped in the feels. I love it. I love that she can still do this to me, time after time, even after how many of her books I’ve read. The thing is, I know it’s coming. I know this is going happen, I know it, and yet still it happens. That’s rare, that’s special, and that’s why she’s a consistent auto-buy author for me.
Three Blind Dates was fresh, fun and full of feels. I adored this story! The premise was fantastic, the characters were interesting and I couldn’t help but pull for Noely right from the start. This was also different from anything else she’s ever written – the hero is not identified conclusively until the last 20% of the book. It’s not a triangle (or a square, I guess, in this situation) – not at all, so all of you safe-read readers, take a deep breath and calm. What it is, though, is a hilarious, heart-tugging peek into today’s dating-by-app world. I’m well past that point in my life, long (but happily) married, and I was riveted in place, devouring this book.
The way that Quinn crafted this story was clever and interesting. I loved her Tom Hanks and You’ve Got Mail references. Those descriptive, creative details made this a story that I not only related to, but they also helped to construct those scenes in my head. But it was Quinn’s writing here that truly captivated me. The way she lays out a scene and makes me feel as if I’m right there, in the thick of it, roaring with laughter, or feeling the hurt of rejection, right along with her characters. It’s brilliant, it was exciting, and I was positively enthralled and fully invested in this story from cover-to-cover.
Meghan Quinn’s Three Blind Dates was a refreshingly different, slow-burn romance that I simply did not want to put down. It was a fabulously well written standalone romcom that left me desperately wanting the stories of the other two suitors – and I am very much looking forward to getting my hands on them. Three Blind Dates by Meghan Quinn gets five smooches from me!
~ Danielle Palumbo