Xavier Cold by Michelle Valentine Review


4 Smooches

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Book two in the HARD KNOCKS series will follow up PHENOMENAL X.

The conclusion to the New York Times bestselling romance that began in Phenomenal X, about one woman’s pulse-pounding relationship with a notorious bad-boy wrestler.

“What’ll it be, Anna Cortez? Are you in, or are you out?”
One momentary loss of control has now ruined everything Xavier Cold had going for himself. With his world unraveling fast, he’s willing to do anything to save not only his job but his relationship with the only woman he’s ever loved.

Anna Cortez, still reeling from shock, tries desperately to save the man that’s consumed her heart, body and soul. She’ll have to dig deep and find courage she never knew she possessed to help Xavier fight demons from his past—a past that’s even more haunted than she ever imagined.


“I’ll always find my way back to you.”

Xavier Cold was the long awaiting ending to the GIANT cliffhanger that was Phenomenal X. Having been awhile since I read the first book I took the time to reread the first book and boy am I glad I did. Not only did it remind me how much I loved that book but there were so many important details I had forgotten. Xavier Cold picks up right where Phenomenal X left off and quickly surprises start happening.

“What are you doing to me, beautiful? You’re changing me in ways I never thought possible,”

Anna and Xavier have been through so much and after Phenomenal X I didn’t think there could be much more for them to face and boy was I wrong. It seemed like if there was a hardship they had to endure it. But in the end everything they went through and all they endured made them better and stronger for it.

‘I stare into the eyes of the man I love without a doubt, and there’s no question that this is who I was made for, the man I’m supposed to spend the rest of my life with, Our love – it’s unbreakable.’

I was so happy to see this two part series come to a close. I always enjoy Michelle’s writing style and unique ability to turn things in directions you didn’t see coming. Overall while I enjoyed Xavier Cold I think I like Phenomenal X more. This may be due to the fact that for me I love the angst and build up to sex, love and happily ever afters more than the actual things themselves. Still If you have read Phenomenal X (and if you haven’t I do encourage you to read it) I think that Xavier Cold is a must to get their story in completion.


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