Lessons in Pure Life by Audrey O’Connor Review


3.5 Smooches

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Freshly minted grad Emilia Noble arrives in Costa Rica to teach English in the tropical community of Pacifica. Its carefree, pura vida lifestyle is a welcome contrast to her dark and wintry origins. Tossing caution aside like an old winter coat, she plunges headfirst into an exotic cocktail of sensory pleasure.

Diego is a local whose surfer body and cool detachment make Lia buzz with a long-lost thrill. Fascinated by her new environment, she can’t help but wonder about the moody inner workings of the boy with triceps like Wolverine and a grimace to match.

Diego seems to have no problem ignoring Lia, though. Caught up in his family’s conflicted attitude toward foreigners, he notices her only when it’s convenient. But as Lia thrives in her new surroundings, Diego might just find reason enough to defy his embattled, insular father. When north and south are mixed together, the results are intoxicating. 


Emilia 'Lia' Noble Comes out to her cousin Kat, in Costa Rica to teach English to the community's school students,
Where she comes across the mystery that is Diego Valverde. She has a strong attraction to him immediately. 
Diego Valverde is mysterious and broody. This foreign woman who has come to teach English in his sister Genesis' school, and he seems unhappy about it.
He and Lia always seem to be brought together but a past and a family grudge with foreigners holds him back.

I really liked Lia. She was a strong female, she wasn't vulnerable and whiny but she also wasn't all up in your face "I'm a bad ass" kind of strong, she was just a strong leading character in all aspects. She came to Costa Rica to teach English to the locals, in a new school. She had to get away from some things that had happened to her, she wasn't running away, it was more like a fresh start, although her time in Costa Rica is undetermined. She was hilarious too!
"Me Lia. You Diego. I can has your biceps?"
Diego Valverde?? mmmm. That man is a mystery. A hot mystery. He is the brother of Genesis, Lia's new boss. He always done work around the school for his sister, and was proud of the work they did. Although he wasn't a typical alpha, he could be shy but also quite cocky and very charming. He was an intriguing character to say the least. I wanted to dig deeper and deeper with Diego! Oh and I'm definitely going to Google some Spanish words.
"I turn back apprehensively to Diego, who's walking toward me with a challenging grin. I might do anything for that grin. 'Come on, gringa. Let's see what you've got,' he says"

One of the aspects I liked of this book was the cultural experience. It was really explored through Audrey's writing. Through all the characters. Through Lia being new there. Being in awe of all the new things she was experiencing and learning, and how in return she was also teaching and helping the locals learn. We also get to see it from the people who live there, how proud they are of their home. How they see foreigners. The culture was a very big part of this story. We experienced it as much as you possibly can through the characters. You can nearly feel the sun and taste the fruits and drinks that are described, just nearly feel the sand from the beach under your feet. Audrey's writing is very well detailed.
"Bright red strawberries, long green papayas, small round watermelons the color of winter  pine needles hiding a polka-dotted secret inside. Oranges, lemons, limes, cherries, peppers, and bananas draw me with their vivid natural beauty and sweet perfume." 

I disliked Diego's father, he did redeem himself though, kind of. Now while I loved the cultural experience of reading this book, and I did I loved it, sometimes, just sometimes it took over, took from the characters and their journey and story. While this book had passion and love, I really enjoyed this thoroughly, but for me something was missing, it needed a little aggressive-passion, I sometimes wanted to shout at Diego to push her up against a wall and kiss her breathlessly. It was a little fade to black in some parts too.
All in all though I enjoyed it! It was fun, sweet, romantic and had its sexy moments too. It's a good get-away book, the perfect escape book. Audrey's writing is smart and funny and her characters are intriguing and interesting. The story develops over time, is not a fast paced story, I wished it was just a little more fast paced in some parts but more so enjoyed getting to know the characters as the story developed. The story easily flowed together.
one question though? Is there more? I hope so!
I need a lot more of Diego Valverde.

– jade xx



    • Luckyme on April 20, 2015 at 6:45 PM

    Great review of a great book!

    • Audrey on April 20, 2015 at 11:25 AM

    Thanks for the sweet and thoughtful review, Amie! Love how you pulled lines from the text! I appreciate your insightful feedback. It’s looking more and more like a sequel has to happen, doesn’t it? 😉

    Audrey xo

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