Saving Steele by Anne Jolin Review


4.5 Smooches

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Kennedy Cross had her heart broken early in life. It wasn’t someone or something who betrayed her—it was her own body. Despite it being all she’s ever wanted, Kennedy will never know what it feels like to feel her baby’s feet kick from the inside out. Having been pronounced infertile at only eighteen, she redirected her life the best way she could.

Eight years and a degree later, Kennedy is one of the most well-loved first-grade teachers at Rock Falls Elementary School. It doesn’t matter that her college boyfriend left her because he wanted children of his own. She has twenty-two of the most gorgeous six-year-olds who adore her and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Jackson Steele deals only in extremes. He falls victim to manic episodes lasting for days, sometimes weeks at a time, sending him reeling from volatile highs to devastating lows. It’s a living hell just being inside his own mind, and that hell has taken everything he’s ever loved away from him. But what if, this time, it gives him something? An untimely gift from God and a brunette with legs eight miles long will bring him the most unforeseen joy but also his most challenging of tests.

What happens when circumstances of life threaten the one thing both Jackson and Kennedy love? Saving Steele from himself may prove to be too much for Cross to bear.


‘Babe. That sounded really good. Like better than a chocolate cupcake after two weeks of dieting good.’

Anyone who read Chasing Henley has been nervous and excited to get ahold of Jackson’s story and the wait was worth it! Kennedy and Jackson’s story is not easy but the great ones never are. The Rock Falls series has quickly become a series I can count on for some amazing alpha action along with a few tears and laughs.

‘I am drowning in Jackson Steele and there is no way I’ll be calling mayday. There is no abandoning ship for me. It’s too late for that even if I wanted to, which I don’t.’

If you have been reading the series than you know that Jackson battles with bi-polar disorder and it has in one way or another affected every relationship he has been in and makes the idea that he can have what his friends have, a true and lasting love, seem like an impossibility. Kennedy, a local school teacher, has had her heart broken. Focusing on keeping her life in order she over organizes to the point of having a post it obsession. Both of these two have so much to overcome but when Jackson’s life is forever changed at the surprise arrival of his son and they are thrust together it doesn’t take long for sparks to fly and soon it is clear that while they both have demons to overcome they are better and stronger together than they ever could be alone.

‘Our fairytale isn’t perfect but it’s ours.’

The absolute best part of this book for me was the slow build. Even when it was clear there was an attraction their focus was on Ryker, Jackson’s son, and his well being first. Kennedy as a heroine was fun and quirky and full of spunk. Jackson having always had bad black outs and issues with his temper during manic phases works hard on controlling it all not for Kennedy (although I in part for her) but for his son. As much as this was a love story about Kennedy and Jackson (and what a beautiful story it was they really were perfect for each other) it was also a story about Jackson falling in love with the son he never knew he had. He would do anything for that boy and from the moment he arrived Jackson was a changed man.

Anne Jolin has gotten better and better as a writer and the depth of her stories show that development. Her books have become ones I open and read immediately when they hit my kindle and I will be here eagerly awaiting the next one!


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